But that doesn't mean I'll like it.

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Request - Can you do one where y/n and Beth get at it with each other and she takes it too far and y/n takes the horse and "runs away" maybe gets lost and everyone is freaking out because it's so cold and Kacey ends up finding you barely breathing because of how cold it is and Beth feels horrible and really finally shows her caring side to you are her sister in law.

The cold rain was numbing as you rode straight through the tree lining. 

"You weren't born part of this family!" 

The lightning crack across the sky made your horse jump, turning sharply. You held onto the reigns as you righted yourself on the saddle. Reaching up you tried to wipe some of the water away from your eyes. 

"What did my brother even see in you?" 

You shook your head, trying to remove the harsh words from your memory. At the last second, you remembered the river and turned your horse to the east. The pounding of his hooves was only drowned out by the thunder. 

"You're weak and I can't have that near me!"

Another crack of thunder caused your horse to rear up, kicking his front legs out. You held on, but you slipped in the saddle due to the rainwater making everything wet. You tried to hold onto your horse's neck but it didn't work. Soon you were flat on your ass in the mud as your horse galloped off. 

"Shit," You cursed as you gently stood up. 

Squinting your eyes, you tried to look around and recognize where you were. The Dutton Ranch was massive and while you'd been married to Kayce a little over a year, you still didn't have it memorized. That, coupled with the freezing rain made it harder for you to see something. You sniffed and turned, your eyes spotting something over the treetops in the distance. 

It was smoke, probably coming from the chimneys of the main lodge. It wasn't a lot, but it was something. But the distance was at least a ten-minute ride out. Who knew how long that would take to walk back? Your jacket was soaked as you put one foot in front of the other. 

The afternoon started normal. You came in with the weather hovering in the distance. Beth had been in the kitchen and the two of you started to chat. Your sister-in-law was a hard shell to crack, but she had always been decent to you until you told her about your and Kayce's fight from the morning. 

Kayce was taking over Livestock Commissioner from his father and you were terrified for him. It was a dangerous job and you had this feeling John was using Kayce as a pawn in his game of life. When you voiced that to Beth, she turned on you. She called you a traitor to this family and other horrible things. The infamous Beth Dutton was finally exposed to you directly and you hated it. 

You hated it so much that you ran out of the house as fast as you could. She was screaming at you as you did and you could hear her from the barn even. Thinking you had to get far away from her, you grabbed a horse and took off...which led you to where you were now. 

Your bones were freezing as you walked in the direction you figured was right. The rain had lightened up some, it now was more of a mist. You stepped down and the mud caused you to slip, landing on your knee. 

"Ah!" You hissed. 


"Y/N, are you out here?"

"Y/N, can you hear us?" 

You looked up and could see lights being flicked about over the hill. It looked like four horsemen and you figured it was the wranglers. Standing up slowly you wiped your face again. 

"Hey..." Your voice cracked so you cleared it. "Hey! Over here!"

One of the lights moved to shine directly in your face.

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang