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Heeseung's fingers hovered over the keyboard as he stared at Y/n's message. The weight of the situation pressed on him, each word carrying the potential to either ease her worry or add to it.

Jay and Sunghoon stood nearby, their expressions mirroring his own concern. Heeseung finally began typing, his words measured and careful. "Hey Y/n, we're at the hospital. Jungwon was in a car accident. He's stable, but he's unconscious."

As he hit send, a tense silence filled the room. They knew that Y/n would have questions, and they needed to find a way to navigate this delicate conversation.

Sure enough, a new message popped up from Y/n almost immediately. "What?! How did this happen? Is he going to be okay?"

Heeseung took a deep breath and replied, "We're still gathering details, Y/n. He's being looked after by the doctors, and we'll keep you updated."

Sunghoon stepped in, adding, "Y/n, we know this is a lot to process. Please don't worry too much right now. We're here for you and for Jungwon."

Another message from Y/n appeared. "Can I see him? Can you send me a picture? I need to see him."

Heeseung exchanged a worried glance with Jay and Sunghoon. They understood Y/n's request, but they were equally concerned about sending her a picture of Jungwon in his current condition.

Jay chimed in, "Y/n, we want to respect Jungwon's privacy right now. He's connected to machines, and we're not sure if sending a picture would be best."

Y/n's response came quickly, her concern palpable even through the text. "I just need to know he's okay. Please, guys."

Heeseung sighed, feeling the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders. "Y/n, we'll try to find a way to update you without causing too much stress. Right now, the most important thing is for you to take care of yourself and the baby."

Silence settled in the room once again as they waited for Y/n's response. It was clear that she was worried, scared, and desperate for any reassurance about Jungwon's well-being.

Finally, a message appeared on the screen. "Okay, I understand. Please keep me updated."

Heeseung nodded, a mix of relief and sadness washing over him. They had managed to convey the situation without sharing too much of the distressing details.

Sunghoon added, "We will, Y/n. You're not alone in this."

With a heavy heart, Heeseung closed the conversation, knowing that the road ahead would be challenging for everyone involved. Their priority now was to support Y/n, keep her informed, and hope for Jungwon's recovery.

~ Meanwhile, with Y/n ~

Y/n stared at her phone, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. She had just received the messages from Jungwon's friends about his accident, and the weight of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks. Despite her brave words, her heart was aching with a mixture of emotions.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she typed her response. "Thank you for letting me know. I... I don't know what to say. I'm really worried about him."

As she hit send, her mind raced with thoughts. She had left Seoul to escape the pain, to move on from the memories of Jungwon and the complicated situation they had found themselves in. But now, faced with the news of his accident, she couldn't shake off the feelings that had resurfaced.

Her phone buzzed again with a reply from Heeseung. "We're all worried, Y/n. We'll keep you updated on his condition. Please take care of yourself."

Y/n wiped away a tear and took a deep breath. She knew she had to make a decision. She had built a new life in Daegu, away from the heartache and complications of Seoul. But her concern for Jungwon was undeniable.

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