Chapter 2

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"So first period I have Physics and second period its Trig, where are those classes?" Andy asked. He hasn't stopped talking since we left the office. I didn't really mind, it meant less talking for me, but I did prefer being alone and in silence.

"They're right over here." We turned a corner and walked through a hallway full of lockers and people.

"Oh look, another emo fag. I thought we had enough with her and her little friends." One of the jocks said. I don't think he ment us to hear that, not that he cared, but we did hear it. Andy turned around and faced the guy.

"What did you say?" He asked threateningly.

"I said 'hey look, another emo fag'" the guy pushed off the locker he was leaning on and crossed his arms. Him and Andy where face to face, Andy being skinnier but a little taller than him. But of course, the guy was muscular, he played football, I thought he could beat the shit out of Andy, that is until Andy grabbed his shirt.

He held the guy by his collar, his muscles tightening under his rolled up sleeves making the material tighten around his arms, and slammed the guy against a locker. Everything went silent. "Just because I wear makeup doesn't mean I can't kick your ass." Andy glared at him for a moment, then let go of his shirt and started walking off. If looks could kill, that jock would be dead. I had to run to catch up with his long legs.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea..?" Andy asked confused.

"You just looked really pissed off. I mean you were this cheery smiling guy in the office a few minutes ago and then you do that its just kind of...surprising."

"Its a blessing and a curse." He said and put his hands in his jean jacket. He stopped walking and turned to me. It looked like he was going to say something but I guess he changed his mind and he just stared at me. And I stared back.

For the first time today I took in everything about him. His hair, short at the sides but relatively long on top, messily combed over to the right. His nose and lip ring complimented him so well. His black button up shirt and his rolled up sleeves that allowed some of his tattoos to be seen. On his left arm it looked like he had a sleeve done. I couldn't really make out any specific tattoos. On his right arm there was a batman symbol. He was wearing eyeliner, but it didn't look overwhelming. It looked good on him. He's kind of hot...

He cleared his throat and said "uh, well I guess we should go to my first period first right?"

"Yea." I could feel myself blushing so I looked down and pretended to be reading something of his schedule.
After we went through his first five classes I decided we should probably take a break.

"Do you...want to go somewhere?" I asked.

"Are you asking me if I want to go some where or go somewhere?" Andy asked.

"What?! God no! I mean, no offence, not that you're ugly, I mean you're not ugly you're pretty ho-- umm you know what, I'm gonna stop talking now."

Andy laughed.

"I just meant we need a break, I need a break. I don't really do walking. Or running. Or anything involving me to move." I blabbered to myself.

"Its okay, I need a break too. Where can we go?" Andy asked.

I hesistated a moment but then decided, oh what the heck. "Come with me."

We went through the back door and walked through the garden. After a little while there were a couple of trees. When we walked further down there was a flat circle with a big cherry tree covering the little amount of sunlight that struck that autumn day.

"Wow." Is the only thing that came out of Andy's mouth. He looked around in awe. I guess the place was pretty beautiful.

"Yea. I used to come and eat lunch here. No one really comes all the way out here." I sat on the ground and crossed my legs.Andy sat beside me and did the same.

"I'm glad you were my tour guide." Andy said out of the blue.


"Not a lot of people understand why I dress how I dress or why I have tattoos. And oh god people can't seem to get over the fact that I wear eyeliner. What's the big deal?" I turned to look at him.

"Yea, I know what you mean." I leaned back until I was laying down looking up at the cherry blossom tree. Since it was autum the light pink leaves where starting to fall which made it look like it was snowing light pink snow.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" Andy said looking down on me.


"Are you ok?"he asked, concern in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well... At the office the lady asked if you had lost weight, when we were walking you get tired so easily, you have a thighgap the size of California--not that its ugly or bad or anything, don't get offended--and you look so fragile, like if I touch you, you could break ."

I stared at him for a while, not quite sure what to say. After about a minute I stood up, dusted myself off and started walking away. "Its none of your business."
Sorry this chapter was shorter but I feel like it was a good spot to end things there. Hope you guys are enjoying! Leave your feed back for me I would love to know what you guys think!

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