Chapter 3

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I walked into the main hall, hoping to find Jackie around so I wouldn't walk around alone. I didn't really mind being by myself but if Andy saw me alone he would definitely try to talk to me and I really didn't feel like talking to him. Unfortunately he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. He made me turn around and face him.

"Look dude, not that its any of your business but, I'm okay, I promise." I got out of his grip and started walking away but of course he had to follow me.

"Okay." He said and kept walking beside me. I tried to speed up but with him being about 4 inches taller than me and having long legs, it was pretty easy for him to keep up.

"Can I help you?" I didn't mean for it to sound as rude as it did but I couldn't take it back, so I kept a straight face.

"Uh well..." He rubbed the back of his neck like he was nervous and looked down. "You're the only person I know here... I thought maybe, I could hang out with you or something."

"I don't think it'll be too hard for you to make more friends."

"More friends? As in I already have one?" He looked kind of hopeful. Even though I didn't really want for him to hang around I knew what it was like to be the outsider. Not necessarily the new kid, but the outsider none the less.

I sighed and looked down. "I guess you can hang out with me. But no more personal questions. If I want to tell you something, I will."

"Okay. Sounds good to me!" He smiled. When he smiled his eyes lit up in such a way I wish mine did. I can't remember the last time I smiled like he does.

"So... Where to next?" He asked and put his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Well you have Photography and Music with me so I guess we can go to Photography and introduce you to the teacher a couple of minutes before class."

"You're in music? What do we do in that class?"

"A little bit of everything I guess. The whole year is like a project. You decide what you want to do--play guitar, play a band instrument, or sing-- and you work on that for the rest of the year. My first year there I took guitar and I slowly started learning more and more while doing choir where you usually don't have to do much."

"Cool." Andy looked around, both of us not sure what to say next.

"So, uh,... What do you do? Why did you choose Music as an elective?"

"I sing." He shortly said.

"Oh cool." I had my hands in my back pockets and looked around. I saw Jackie and CC coming our way.

"Hey Cath! Who's this? New boyfriend?" Jackie asked wiggling her eyebrows at me when she asked about Andy.

"Jackie this is Andy, he's new here at school. And for the record he's just a friend." I introduced them. "Oh and this is Christian or as he prefers to be reffered as, CC. CC this is Andy."

"How's it going man?" CC and Andy shook hands while Jackie continued wiggling her eyebrows at me and I looked around awkwardly.

"Hey Cath can I talk to you for a second?" Jackie asked. Before I could reply she pulled me away from the guys. "He's cute! Get at him!"

"What?! No! You know me and boys never work out. Plus I'm just his tour guide, which I guess was convenient since I got out of like 4 classes because I was showing him around. I'm not even his friend, I'm just his temporary companion until he can make some real friends."

Jackie's face went blank and she looked over my shoulder. Suddenly her face showed...pity. I turned around and saw Andy staring at us. Shit.

"Andy I--"

"Save it." He said a quick bye to CC and walked away.

"Cath... You really screwed up. That was a messed up thing to say." CC said and walked away to his locker.

"What? Why are you mad at me?" But he didn't respond.

"Look Cath, I get that you think you don't want a guy in your life, but I don't know if it would be so bad. You deserve someone. You need to let someone in besides me. I think you should go talk to him. Not necessarily hook up, but go talk to him. I think he really thought you too were friends. Would that be so bad? Just friends?" She looked at me and rubbed my shoulder."I'll talk to you later.."

After Jackie went with CC I went to go look for Andy. I looked around, everywhere, and then the bell rang. So I ran to the only place I didn't look in. The tree.

I ran before anyone noticed I wasn't going to class and once I got to the garden I slowed down. I went by the trees and I could see, there he was. Sitting with his legs crossed and his back turned to me.

"Hey." I said and slowly walked over to him. I sat down beside him and picked up some leaves. He didn't say anything. He didn't even look at me.

"I'm sorry about what I said back there. I didn't mean it."I said looking down.

"Sure you didn't." He sighed and stood up. I quickly stood up and grabbed his arm, just like he grabbed mine when I walked away. "Look I don't need your pity. I don't want to be anybody's charity case. But I'm glad I could be an excuse for you to skip class. You're welcome." He sounded angry and hurt and I felt so bad.

"Look Andy just listen to me im sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"Then why did you say it."

I sighed and looked down. Here goes nothing. "I needed Jackie to get off my back about it." We both sat down and he turned to face me. "Last year I had a serious boyfriend. I loved him, or I thought I did. Turns out he was cheating on me. I told him everything. I poured my heart out to him. And he told the whole school everything I said to him after I broke up with him simply because he didn't like that he got dumped. I've never been very open to a lot of people, and after that I built more walls. I don't let anybody in. My friend was saying that you were cute and I should "test the water"." I looked at him and saw that he blushed a little.

"And because I have sworn off any type of romantic relationship and I knew she wouldn't let it go, I said what I said. Its not that I don't want to be your friend. I do. But like I said, I built these walls and I just can't let someone I don't even know in. I guess what I'm trying to say here is, I was pushing you away. That's why I said that. But I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry." I was almost in tears because talking about this was kind of a sore subject for me but Jackie was right. And I wanted Andy to forgive me, so I guess I had to tell him. "Can you forgive me?"

He looked down and was quiet for a couple of seconds like he was thinking it over.

"I guess I don't have a choice. You are my only friend--oh, sorry, acquaintance." He said trying to lighten up the mood and smiled. A sadder more flat smile than before but hey, I'll take what I can get.

"Cool." I said and smiled back at him. "There's only like half the class time left for Photography. Do you just want to stay here until its time for Music class?"

"Sure." He laid down and I soon laid down after him.


That TFIOS quote tho, I thought it fit well with the story. How are you guys liking it so far? I hope you guys are enjoying it! I'm thinking Candy could be their ship name... Hmmm... Comment what you think

Please Stay- Andy Biersack A.U. (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin