Chapter 6

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Cath's POV
I opened my eyes and the only thing I could see was black. I tried to look aroud but saw nothing. Once my eyes got a moment to adjust I saw there was a lamp beside me. I turned it on and immediately the light hurt my eyes. I heard a deep groan and the bed shifted. I slowly turned around and saw there was a guy on the bed with me. I didnt recognize where i was. I peeked under the covers that covered me and I saw I was completely naked.

Oh no. God no please tell me this is not what I think it is. Please, tell me nothing happened. God no. What did I do?!

I looked at the floor and saw all my clothes on the ground. My phone was on the night stand next to me and I looked to see what time it was. 3:15 am.

"Hey turn the light off.." The body shifted and put the sheets over his head. No...I immediately recognized the deep voice. Andy.

I got out of bed and a pain rushed through my legs. When I recovered from the pain I grabbed my panties and bra and quickly put them on. I got dressed, grabbed my phone and quietly walked out of the room. I had no idea who's house I was in or which way the exit was. With my shoes in my hand I walked down a hallway and found some stairs I asummed led downstairs.
I found the door that led to the street and on my way to the door I found my keys on a coffee table. I grabbed them and went out side. Thank god the Impala was parked upfront. I got in and decided to go home.

I quietly opened the door and got in. I managed to get to my room without waking anyone up. With my back against the door I slid down and brought my knees up to my chest.

What did I do? Why did I do that? What the hell happened?Why can't I remember anything?!

All these questions made my head hurt so I decided to go to bed. With my alarm set to 6:45 I went to bed, too tired to care about make up or dirty clothes.

*the next day. Or same day since it was 3? Idk just at school*

I tried to avoid Andy the best I could. It was bad enough to have such a horrible hangover, I didn't want to deal with him and the memories of me waking up beside him without being able to remember anything.

Jackie came up to me as I was walking to economics class.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked.

"Yea, just peachy." My hangover was so bad I had to wear sunglasses inside. I didn't bother to do my make up or hair so I just put on the sunglasses and a black beanie. I had some gray sweatpants on and a plain black long sleeve shirt.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean for it to go that way."

"Wait what do you mean by "didn't mean for it to go that way?""

"I just meant our girls' night out." Jackie couldn't make eye contact with me which is how I always know she's hidding something from me.

"You know, I'm sure I've told you this before but I had a dog when I was younger that always pooped everywhere. And we could always tell when he had because he had this look on his face. And I knew when he pooped. Every. single. time. And I was always right." I said.

Jackie looked at me like I was crazy, "okay...."

"Where's the poop, Jackie?" I looked at her straight in the eyes.

"What poop?"

"Where's the poop, Jackie."

"Ugh fine. CC and Andy weren't there on accident. Me and CC kinda wanted to hook you guys up. But not like hook up but like together hook up. Like a relationship. I didn't mean for you to get so drunk I swear. I'm sorry." Jackie looked down.

"You did what?! I don't need your help with guys! What the hell where you thinking!" I rubbed my temples, "what exactly happened last night?"

"You don't remember?" Jackie looked surprised. I shook my head. "Well it seemed like you and Andy were really hitting it off. Then I turned around for five minutes and you guys were nowhere to be found. You just disappeared." She looked over my shoulder. "Speaking of the devil."

"Hey Cath can I talk to you?" Andy.

"I'm kind of busy right now." I grabbed Jackie's arm and didn't even bother to look at Andy.

I started walking away with Jackie by my side when Andy grabbed my shoulder. "Its important." He sounded serious so I stopped walking.

I turned around, "Fine. Talk."

"Not here." He looked concerned. "Meet me under the cherry tree at lunch." He walked away with his hands in his pockets. He was wearing black sweats a black AC/DC t shirt and no eyeliner on.

"The cherry tree?" Jackie asked confused.


I walked to the garden and when I got to the cherry tree I saw that Andy was already there.

"Hey." He said with a small flat smile. He motioned for me to sit down and I sat on the ground, him sitting in front of me. "So about yesterday I--"

"Wait you remember yesterday?" I hoped he could tell me what exactly happened.

"You don't?" He looked hurt and worried.

"No not really. I mean I guess we... You know... Because I woke up naked and sore laying next to you in a bed. But that's pretty much all I know."

"Oh. I hope I didn't hurt you or anything. Wait was this..?" He looked at me and I could see he was blushing.

"I'm okay. And no. It wasn't my first time." This time I was the one blushing.

He nodded and bit his bottom lip. "Well, umm, last night you had a couple of drinks, I had a couple of drinks. We were dancing and..."

*flashback* Still Cath's POV
A/N: the italics will signify Andy talking and telling Cath what happened the night before.

Football Season Is Over by Bring Me The Horizon played and I stood up.

"Finally some real music! Come on, let's dance!"

You grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dancefloor.

I swayed my hips side to side to the music with the back of my body pressed up against Andy's front.

You moved your hair to the side, leaving your neck exposed and... God I was so drunk. We were so drunk... I started kissing your neck. Then I had a little...problem.

*Cath thinking to herself*: apparently not so little...

I felt something on my lower back. I turned around and saw that it was what I thought it was.

You pulled me down by my collar and whispered in my ear,

"Do you want to go somewhere private to take care of your... Problem?"

*End of flashback*

"You smirked and I couldn't resist. I swear if I hadn't been so drunk I wouldn't have taken advantage of you like that and--"

"Its okay." I was trying to process this all in my head. My thoughts seemed to be spinning. "It wasn't your fault. I made the first move... I need some time to think about this." I got up and walked away. What the hell was I thinking last night?
I'm sorry if the flashback part was confusing I tried to write it how I imagined it in my head. For those of you that understood the How I Met Your Mother reference (where's the poop Robin) ily

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