Chapter 16

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Cath's POV
We were all hanging out at our favorite restaurant celebrating the upcoming tour. The boys (not really boys more like men since the youngest (Andy) was 19) were leaving in one day and we wanted to hang out together one last time before they left because with them touring and Jackie and I in college the chances of hanging out again soon were minimal.

Andy and I tried not to think about the fact that we only had one day left with each other and instead we enjoyed the days we did have.

"Guys, this has been a hell of a year. And I believe that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we'll all be okay. I believe that Cath is gonna become an amazing doctor, Jackie is going to be an amazing lawyer, and we are going to be an amazing band. So, here's to believing, and to dreaming, and to making the dreams come true!" Ashley said as he raised his glass of coke. The rest of us raised our glasses of soda as well and drank.

"I'm going to go to everyone one of your guys' shows in California I promise." Jackie said. "Ohh and I'll take Cath with me too of course." We laughed.

After finishing our meals we all said our goodbyes and left. The guys had to finish packing so they all went home, I went with Andy to help him pack and Jackie went with CC.

When we got to Andy's house his parents were in the living room. I said hi, it wasn't the first time I had been over, and they said hi back, then we went into Andy's room. I helped him get everything that was left in his suitcases, we didn't really talk at all. After we were done it was barely 6.

"Do you want to go to my house and watch a movie?" I asked.

"We can watch a movie here?" Andy said.

"Yea but both my mom and Danny are out and.. I don't know... Movies always turn into make out secessions for us and I don't want your parents walking in on us having our tongues down each others throats." We both laughed at my choice of words.

"Okay, fair enough. Let's go." Andy had his car keys in one hand and grabbed my hand with the other. "Mom, dad, we're going to go to Cath's house for a while. I don't know how long I'll be there, I'm gonna help her pack for college." He said

"Oh, okay. If you decide to stay over be sure to be here before 8:30, you have to leave at 9." Andy's dad said. His parents were always so calm about things, they let him stay over at my house, I could stay over at their house. They were the nicest parents I had ever met.

"'Kay." Andy and I walked out of the house and said a quick goodbye before he locked the door.

A few minutes later we got to my house and as expected, only the impala was in the driveway. We went inside and decided to watch a random movie. Not long after, we were ignoring the movie and kissing like I predicted would happen.

After a while of making out Andy stopped and pulled away. He just looked into my eyes but said nothing.

"What?" I asked and I could feel the heat creeping up my cheeks.

"I don't know if I want to go. We've been avoiding talking about what would happen to us but we have to. I leave tomorrow but I don't want to leave you. Going would be like accepting to let you go and I don't know if I can do that." Andy said quietly.

I stayed quiet for a while, trying to find the right words to say. "Andy, I think we both know what we should do. You'll be traveling everywhere and I'm moving to LA, there's no way this is going to work. And I hate that but its the truth. We can't keep living this dream, we have to accept our reality. You're leaving, I'm moving, we will be apart for a year, we are not going to stay together, we can't keep pretending that we are." It hurt to say it but we both knew it was true.

We were now both standing up, looking at each other. Suddenly, Andy pushes me against the wall.
"What if we don't pretend? What if I go with you to LA?"

My first thought is to kiss him, and that's what I did. I kissed him with everything I had. His hands explore my torso and soon find their way to my ass. He grabs my thighs and effortlessly carries me to my bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and hovers over my body still kissing me.

I bit his lower lip and he moaned, taken by surprise. I took the opportunity to flip us over so I'm straddling his waist.

I stop and pull away. "I can't do this. I don't want to do this and wake up alone. I can't let myself fall so deep into you that when you leave tomorrow I can't get myself together."

Andy stayed quiet. After a few moments he said, "You won't have to. I'm staying." With that he pulled me down and kissed me again. He flipps us over, liking to be dominant, and continues the kiss.I ran my hands under his shirt and it was soon off, my shirt being the next thing to be thrown on the floor. Andy started unbuttoning my pants, not even stopping this time to see if I was okay with it because he knew I was. My jeans now joined Andy's on the floor. He moved down to my neck, biting and sucking, not caring to be gentle.

He kissed down my torso and stopped at the hem of my underwear. He hooked his fingers to the sides of them before pulling down the left side of the underwear. He kissed and bit my hipbone, making my breathing uneven. I couldn't help but moan, earning a few moans from Andy too. He pulled down my panties all the way and tossed them on the floor and I did the same to his boxers.

Everything seemed fuzzy, I was loosing myself in his kisses. Before I even noticed we were both laying side by side breathing heavily, trying to catch our breath.

I cuddled up to his side. He wrapped an ink covered arm around me and pulled the sheets up to cover our naked bodies. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Andy kissing my forehead and whispering, "I love you."

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