Chapter 13

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Caths POV

"Ahhhhh the post-concert depression is hitting me like a truck, I WANT TO GO BACK" I yelled, I was just so happy. Andy didn't seem to mind either, he just kept driving and occasionally laughed at my stupidity.

"You know in a year or two--maybe even a couple of months-- you're going to be the one I'll be watching preform on stage and around me are going to be thousands and thousands of people cheering for you guys and I honestly can't wait till that happens. I think I'm more excited for it to happen than you are!"
*5 months later*

Today was the day everyone has been waiting for for most of their educational life. The last day of senior year. We had just graduated yesterday and it was 2 minutes before the last bell of the day rang.

The teacher kept on talking about how this was the start of our adult life, blablablah. Nobody was paying attention. We were all looking at the clock. Andy sat in back of me and I heard him lean forward, his mouth to my ear and he whispered, "10...9...8..."

I smiled and joined him, and I saw a couple of kids did too.


Everyone threw the papers they had in front of them in the air, not caring if they were important or not. Andy grabbed me by the waist and kissed me.

"HIGHSCHOOL IS OVER!!!" He yelled.

"Woah there, calm your tits!" We both laughed. I grabbed his hand and we started walking out of school. We walked to his car (a car he had gotten from his parents on his birthday). On our way there we saw Ashley, CC, Jinxx and Jake running towards us.

"WE'RE FREE!!!!!" Ashley yelled and threw his hands up in the air.

"Do you guys want to celebrate at my house?" Jackie asked. "My parents aren't home, they're out of town, like always."

"Yea sure." Andy, CC, Jake, Jinxx and I said.

We got to Jackie's house and I texted my mom, telling her I probably wouldn't be home until later.

"Look what I've got!" Jackie came into the living room where all of us were waiting for her. She was holding two bottles, one was vodka and the other tequila.

"Nice!" Ashley got up and took the vodka bottle out of Jackie's hand.

"Hey!" She smacked his arm but went to grab shot glasses for all of us.

When she came back we poured whatever drink we wanted into our shot glass. Music was blasting in the back from a speaker CC had plugged in his phone to.

"To our free life out of highschool!" Jinxx said and held up his shot glass. We all swung the glass and drank the alcohol, in my case tequila.

I poured another one for me and the rest of the guys and Jackie followed, I raised my glass and said, "To having survived 4 years in hell and having to put up with people's shit"

We drank again. Personally I was barely feeling anything but Jackie looked pretty tipsy. Andy seemed fine and the rest of the guys did too, so we poured another shot. Again, I raised my glass in the air and practically yelled, "Because it feels awesome to be metal in a plastic society!"

Andy poured another one for us all and I could tell everyone was a little drunk now.

"To the upcoming tour we have! This is gonna be the best year of our lives!" Ashley said.

Everyone drank again except me. "Wait, Tour? When?"

"Shit." Andy said.

"We leave in a week! Isn't this awesome!" CC said oblivious to the tension between Andy and I.

"Andy?" I asked hoping for an explanation.

"I didn't know how but I was going to tell you about it I swear!" He said.

"You were gonna tell me? When?! The day you had to leave? 'Oh yea Cath I almost forgot, I leave today for tour! Bye!'"
I got up and walked towards the door.

"Cath! Wait! I was going to--"

"Save it. Bye guys." Before walking out the door I decided to say, "I'll see you later, Andy." I didn't want to loose him. I mean, I care about him a lot but, why didn't he say anything before? Why did I have to find out a week before he left? I know its his dream, but I really don't want him to leave. It's selfish of me but I want more time, not just a week.

I had no way of getting home since Andy had picked me up for school and brought me to Jackie's house so I decided to walk home. It would help me clear my head anyway.

Why didn't he tell me before?
I want--no I need--more than just a week.
I knew this would happen sooner or later,we would go separate ways. I wanted to go to college, he wanted to make it big with the band. But a week? One week. I thought we had at least three months, I thought we had the whole summer.
Andy's POV
"Dude you didn't tell her?" Jake asked.

"What the hell Andy?!", Jackie got up and left, probably to call Cath.

"I just didn't know how to tell her okay! I didn't know how to say "oh yea Cath I'm going to leave and travel around for at least 4 months" I didn't know and I was afraid to know what will happen to us. I know I screwed up okay!"
Running my hand through my hair I grabbed my keys and went outside. I knew I shouldn't drive like this but I had no other choice. I drove home, hoping to see Cath walking through the streets but I didn't. God, I screwed up so bad.
I just realized I havent mentioned where they live so lets just say they live in Cincinnati, Ohio. Okay I hope you guys liked it!

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