Chapter 18

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Jackie's POV
The guys left about a week ago. I have tried to call Cath, but she doesn't answer. I've gone over to her house but her mom tells me she doesn't want to see anyone. But I'm not giving up.

Today I'm at her house, just outside her door. I'm not going to leave until I get to see her. I knocked three times and it took a while, but Danny answered.

"Hey Jackie." He says with a small smile.

"Hey. Can I see Cath?"

He sighed, "Jackie we've told you god knows how many times, she doesn't want to see anyone. She doesn't even let my mom in her room. We have to knock and leave food outside her door so she doesn't starve to death. You can try, but if you don't get to see her... She's not okay right now. We've tried to give her space--"

"Space? Space! Space is the last thing she needs right now! She needs someone. She needs a shoulder to cry on, she needs someone to tell everything to. She needs a friend. Now let me in and let me be one." I pushed past Danny to get inside the house.

"Fine. Go up to her room and see if she'll let you in. God, whatever that asshole did to her... I'm going to break his fucken face if I ever see him again." Danny's hands were in fists and his knuckles were white.

"Yea, me and you both buddy." I walked to Cath's room and knocked on the door but there was no answer. "Cath? Its me, Jackie. Please let me in. We need to talk." I waited, and waited but nothing happened. Finally I tried to open the door and it turns out it was unlocked.

I went inside and found Cath with her ear buds in, music so loud I could hear it was Broken Generation by Of Mice & Men. Her room was a mess, it looked like she had just taken a shower--at least she gets up and showers I guess. She was wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve jumper. The room was freezing. Her clothes seemed to devour her small frame. There were dark circles under her eyes. She looked like shit. I had seen her like this multiple times before; when her dad died, the whole incident junior year. But it never stopped hurting me to have to watch my best friend go through this.

"Hey, Cath." I approached her bed and carefully took her ear buds out. She didn't even look at me, she didn't move a muscle.

When she didn't answer I decided to say something else. "Look, I know it hurts but this isn't the way to handle it. Cath, you need to get up and eat something. Have you had anything to eat today?"

She didn't respond and I took that as a no.

"He told me what happened." That caught her attention. She looked up at me, waiting for me to say something else.

"Andy... Told me what happened. I'm so sorry, he's such an asshole, you didn't deserve what he did to you. He didn't deserve someone as amazing as you. Now, it's the beggining of summer, we have to hang out before college! Get up, get dressed, we'll go to Anderson's, and we'll drink away our problems and you will go dance with a hot guy. Come on let's go."

She stayed quiet and didn't move. A minute later she finally spoke up. Her voice was weak, she had been crying.
"I think I'm pregnant."

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