Chapter 15

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Cath's POV
After a while of me crying on Andy's shoulder he unwrapped his arms from around me and I looked at him.

"I'm so glad this is happening for you. This is your dream and I knew you were going to make it sooner or later. I'm just upset that you didn't tell me earlier." I said.

"I know, I'm sorry. I said it before, I thought I would have more time to tell you but, time flies. But this is my dream. I'm going to make it big Cath, We're going to take over the world. Our music will be heard by more than just a few people. Its going to be amazing." He smiled and his eyes glistened at the thought of BVB becoming something big. We were both avoiding the fact that we would have to split up.

"I get it. You'll be okay. You'll be fine. You'll be living your dream. But what about me?!" Again, the wave of emotion came back but I held back from sobbing and breaking down. "I can't loose you. I won't survive. And that's your fault! You made me love you, you made me let you in."

Andy was now crying too. We both just stared at each other , not quite sure what to do next. The fact that I just said I loved him sunk in. We hadn't said the "L" word before.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Andy wrapped his arms around me again and we both just held onto each other, crying. "I guess part of the reason why I didn't tell you was because saying it out loud would make the fact that I had to leave you real. I'm sorry."

A few seconds later Andy whispered something barely audible to me. "I love you too."
This is a super short chapter I know I'm sorry my wifi is not working so I don't think I'll be updating a lot. I took some quotes from Grey's Anatomy and put them in the dialogue btw just you know to give the creators /writers of the show some credit. If you guys don't watch greys anatomy already you really should its an awesome TV show! Anyways, as always leave opinions about this chapter in the comments and I hope you guys enjoyed!

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