Chapter 14

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Cath's POV
It has been 3 days since I found out Black Veil Brides was going on tour. Andy had tried calling me but I ignored it. I thought if he didn't come to my house to talk to me I really don't think he wants to talk.

I was the valedictorian this year and got a pretty good scholarship. I got in to all the colleges that I applied for but UCLA was the one that offered me a full scholarship, I didn't even have to pay for an apartment since I would be living at a doorm. Of course I would have to have a roommate but it'll be nice; I could have a friend instead of being alone.

Jackie got a partial scholarship at Chico State, also a school in California ,but it was a couple of hours away from LA. We both promised to meet up at least once a month or if that wasn't possible, we would Skype every night. Jackie wanted to study law . I want to be a surgeon or a doctor, I'm not really sure yet, so I'm going to go into the pre-med program.

Like I said, it was 3 days after I found out about the tour and I hadn't seen Andy since. I was in my room, packing for LA. Just the stuff I don't use often, I was still going to be here for another 2 months so I was just getting a head start. I was getting all my posters down from my walls and neatly putting them in a suitcase I was going to take with me. I wasn't going to take any furniture, since most doorms usually have the essentials, so I was only taking two or three suitcases and a backpack.

I was putting away the last poster as I heard the doorbell ring. I heard Danny talking to someone downstairs and I soon heard footsteps approaching my bedroom. I heard three quiet knocks on my door and a head peeked inside.

"Hey, can I come in?" Andy asked.

"Sure." I closed the suitcase and put it in the corner of my room.

"Going somewhere?" He asked confused.

"Not 'till a couple of months but, Yea. LA." I hadn't told him what college I chose, I was going to tell him durning the summer.

"You chose UCLA?" He asked.

"Yea. I was going to tell you , but I mean, you're leaving in less than a week and you didn't tell me so I thought it was just something we did. Not tell each other that we're leaving."

"I told you I was going to tell you. You didn't tell me about LA before so why do I have to appologize about not telling you about tour?!" He was getting angry now, frustrated, but I didn't care. We've been told our personalities were very alike; stubborn, hardheaded, and not easily forgiving. Our personalities often clash, neither of us wanting to be wrong.

"That's not the same thing! I'm leaving in 2 and a half months, I had plenty time to tell you, or I thought I did. You're leaving in 4 days!" I was angry, throwing my hands up in the air. I stomped downstairs and walked outside, Andy following close behind. I needed fresh air so I could calm down and clear my mind.

Is it really the best thing to fight with him about this when we have such little time left together?

What are we going to do? Long distance relationships never work.

"Hey, look , I messed up okay, I get it. But I thought I had plenty of time too until boom we're leaving in a week. I forgot to tell you, I'm sorry, how many times do I have to say it, I'm sorry." Andy looked like he was about to cry. I didn't know what to say. We were now standing in my front yard just looking at each other with teary eyes.

"How do you forget to tell me something like that?!" Suddenly this wave of emotion hit me. I let it all out. Tears just kept coming.

Andy stood next to me and put his arms around me. "Come on, let's go inside."

I nodded and we both got up and walked to the living room where where we sat on the couch, his arms around me while I cried.
Short chapter I know I'm sorry. I think this book is going to come to an end at like Chapter 20-25 so it'll be sort of short but I'm thinking of making a sequel. Idk leaver your opinions on what I should do in the comments.

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