Chapter 17

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Cath's POV
I woke up with a smile on my face. Until I rolled over and noticed I was alone.

I looked around. Maybe he's in the bathroom taking a shower or something. I went inside but he wasn't there.

"Andy?" I called out from inside the bathroom. No response. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Only in my underwear I could see every bruise from last night. Hickeys and hand shaped bruises on my hips, bite marks on my neck and collarbones, and the soreness running through my whole body.

I walked out of the bathroom into my bedroom. There I noticed the note on my nightstand.

Dear Cath,
I wish I could write down all my thoughts and feelings, but I don't know how. Yesterday was one of the best nights of my life. You are incredible. I wish I could stay, but I can't. I want you, but I also want to follow my dreams. I'm sorry. I love you.

My heart sunk.

I knew it. I knew it. How was I stupid enough to think even for a second that he was serious when he said he would stay? God, I'm such a dumbass.

I decide to take a shower. Tears involuntarily fell from my eyes. I tried to keep it together, telling myself I wouldn't cry over a guy again. But it was no use. Every guy was the same. I should've learned my lesson by now.

I scrubbed my body, every inch of my skin until it was red and raw, trying to wash away last night. Even after everything, I craved the feeling of Andy's body against mine, but at the same time I wanted to forget the feeling. I wanted to wash my body until I couldn't remember how his hands felt on my hips, or his lips on my neck. He was an addiction I needed to get over, I was determined to get over.

When I got out and tried to get dressed, my skin burned because of how much I had scrubbed it. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks. I put on some gray, baggy sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt. I spent the rest of the day in bed, not wanting to eat or drink or move. I just wanted to stay in bed, listening to sad music.

Andy's POV
Why did I promise Cath something I knew I couldn't keep? It was too late now to feel sorry. I left Cath's house around 7. Her mom and brother weren't there yet so it was easy for me to leave.

Now, it was 8:30 and the band and I were loading our luggage onto the tour bus. This is really happening. We're really going on tour. I still had to get used to this idea. I had honestly felt like this was all just a dream, but it was real.

Jackie was with CC. She approached me. "Hey, where's Cath?"

I didn't want to tell her what I had just done to her friend so I said, "last time I saw her she was sleeping." Which wasn't untrue.

Then Jackie's phone rang.
Cath's POV
After a while of feeling sorry for myself I called Jackie because I needed someone to vent to.

The phone rang three times before she picked up.

"Oh hey Cath, we were just talking about you!"


"Yea. Me and Andy."

"Andy. You're with Andy?" Tears threatened to fall again.

"Yea, why? Is everything okay? Why aren't you here Cath? The guys are about to leave."

"I have to tell you something--," my voice cracked and I knew Jackie knew I was crying. "Hey tell the guys I said good luck. I'll talk to you later."

I hung up before Jackie could say anything and started sobbing again.
Andy's POV
Jackie got off the phone with Cath and I knew things couldn't get any worse.

"Andy, what happened between you and Cath?" Jackie asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said.

"Don't give me that bullshit. What did you do to my best friend ?!" She was getting mad now and it caught the guys' attention.

"I love her, I really do, but this is my dream."


I sighed. "I promises her I would stay with her and we were kind of... Together yesterday but in the morning I realized I couldn't let this opportunity pass. I have to do his Jackie. I love her, but we were gonna split up anyway. I have to follow my dream." I was crying now.

"You left, after having sex with her? You broke your promise after you got what you wanted?!" Jackie was pissed, I could see it in her eyes. And honestly I was pissed at myself too.

"No! That's not what happened. I love her okay, and I wanted to be with her because I love her, but I realized I couldn't keep the promise, I know I screwed up but--"

"DONT YOU DARE SAY YOU LOVE HER AGAIN! Stop saying you love her. You don't love her. You just didn't want to be alone. Maybe you just needed one last good memory here before you left, right? One last sex experience? Or maybe, maybe she was just good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you don't love her. Because you don't destroy people you love." Jackie walked away and CC tried to grab her hand but she pulled away angrily. "Good luck guys. Cath also says good luck." She looked at me when she mentioned Cath. Jackie gave CC a quick kiss and left.

After that we all got on the bus, said bye to our parents and we were off.

"What the fuck were you thinking this time, Biersack?" Ashley said as he passed the bunk I was laying in.

CC was behind him and he muttered "fucken dick." When he passed by.

I don't even know if you guys like where I'm going with this story. Please comment and tell me what you guys think.

This was really like the climax but I guess I'll continue it a little more before ending this book. The next few chapters will be important ish but they will be like about where they went after this.

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