Chaper 11

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Andy's POV
A few days later they finally discharged Cath from the hospital. They gave her some antidepressant to take regularly. The doctor spoke to us without Cath and told us to keep an eye on her, make her feel loved but never suffocated by us.

We (Jackie, Danny, their Mom and I) Decided to take turns. As soon as Cath was well rested we would start going to her house and watching movies, or maybe take her out somewhere, to get ice cream etc.

Today, two days after Cath had been home, was the day I got to spend time with her. I decided to take her out to dinner to my favorite restaurant before surprising her with something.

I was sitting on a couch downstairs at Cath's house watching TV and Cath was upstairs getting ready.

"Do I have to wear anything fancy?!" Cath yelled from her room.

I laughed, "No its a diner!" I yelled back.

When she walked downstairs I was left in awe. She seemed so effortlessly flawless in her long sleeve batman crop top that showed a few inches of smooth skin and a peek of what I guessed was a bellybutton piercing, black ripped jeans, and black combat boots. Her brown hair cascaded down her back in its natural waves and it framed her face perfectly.

"What are you staring at? Is it bad? Should I go change?" She asked worried.

"No,no,no. You look beautiful."

"Well, I mean, I always look beautiful!" She said playfully flipping her hair back. These past few days she has seemed happier than ever, which is ironic because of what she had just been through. But I liked it. I liked seeing her so happy.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "okayyy, whatever you say."

She playfully punched my left arm but then leaned against my shoulder and I kissed her forehead. We walked to her car hand in hand and she gave me the keys. I took them and opened the passenger seat door for her.

"Why thank you. Such a gentleman."

I chuckled and got into the driver's seat. I put the keys into the ignition and started driving away. Cath leaned on me, resting her head on my shoulder once again and we just sat there in silence until she spoke up.

"Do you remember the first day of school when you asked me if I was okay?"

"Yea. I remember." I looked at her on my shoulder, the afternoon sunlight created shadows on her face that hid some of her features yet highlighted others.

"Well, I've never told anyone this before because I feared they would leave me, but you seemed to have cathched on and you still stayed. So to answer your question, no, I'm not okay. I promise."

"Did you just quote My Chemical Romance?" I smirked at her and she tried to hide her smile.

"Shut up I'm trying to be serious here." She laughed.

"I know. And I know. I knew that there must have been something going on with you. I could see it in your eyes. Overtime I gathered enough information to know you were not comfortable with your body and you were trying to do something about that, meaning you were either going through bulimia or anorexia but I decided to not say anything about it until I knew you needed help. You seemed fairly healthy, as healthy as you can be with a mental illness like that, and you made it clear that you wanted me to stay out of it so I quietly helped you out." I kept my eyes on the road as I spoke with her, both for safety and because I was afraid of how she was going to react.

"How did you help me?" She seemed fairly calm.

"I always brought an extra banana or apple or energy bar, and when I could tell you were hungry or low on energy I would offer you it, most of the time you took it."

"Oh. Well thanks, I guess. I just wanted to tell you that. I couldn't keep it in anymore. Every time I was around you my mind went back to that first day of school when you figured it out. But thanks for helping out. Im so glad I told you, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. " She looked awkward now. Like she didn't know what to say.

"No. Don't thank me, it was all you. You decided to fight this thing and find a healthy way to get a body youre comfortable with, not me. By the way, I love your body just the way it is." I looked at her and she smiled.

We finally arrived at the diner. We went in, ate and went outside.

"The milkshakes here are amazing! I can't believe we've never been here together before!" Cath intertwined our hands together.

I checked the time and scratched the back of my neck. "Can I take you somewhere else?"

"Okay..." She seemed hesitant but I opened the car door for her and then I got in. I started driving and I quickly handed a bandana to Cath.

"Put this on over your eyes." I told her.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

Cath's POV
I did as I was told, putting the bandana over my eyes. Once in a while I could feel Andy making a sharp turn.

"Hey be careful with my baby!"

I heard him chuckling. "Your baby?"

"The car. Be careful with my car!"

Not a long while later we halted to a stop. Andy opened his door and soon opened mine. "Can I take this off now?" I asked impatiently.

"No! Keep it on." He grabbed my hand to guide me. I heard people around me. A lot of people. I gathered most were girls. We entered some kind of building and I could still not see a thing. Andy talked to someone that asked him for tickets?

We walked a bit more, entered another room and I heard instruments playing, not in complete harmony, maybe like warming up. Guitars, drums. Where the hell were we?!

Not much later Andy removed my blindfold. After my eyes adjusted to the lights I stared at the stage in awe. My jaw dropped to the floor. "No. Freaking. Way. Andy you did not."

Andy smirked and wrapped his hands around my waist, putting his chin on my shoulder hugging me from behind. He sweetly kissed my neck once and said, "Oh, but I did."
I feel like this isn't very good
:( but at least now I have a plan unlike the past few chapters. Feel free to comment your predictions and any other opinions/ comments you guys have!

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