Chapter 5

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The photo is what everyone would be wearing to the club oki? Oki.
Cath's POV
Saturday Night by the Misfits played as I finished the final touches to my makeup. It was 6:40 so I decided to get going. I turned off the music, grabbed my phone and my car keys and walked downstairs.

My mom stopped watching the movie she was watching with Danny and turned to look at me."Wow. Why are you so fancy?"

"She's probably meeting her boyfriend, Andy." Danny said and smirked at me.

"He's not my boyfriend. I'm going to a girls' night out with Jackie." I said as I grabbed a banana from our fruit bowl. I just realized I hadn't eaten anything all day.

"On a school night?" My mom paused the movie.

"Okay yea I know, but we're going to celebrate surviving the first of many many days of school to come. I swear we will not drink, and we'll go to sleep...relatively early. I'll crash at Jackie's house and she can let me borrow some clothes. I'll call you when I get to wherever we're gonna go I promise. I love you. Bye!" I walked out before she could say anything and got into my car.

Once I got to Jackie's house I honked and she almost immediately got out of her house. She got in the car and buckled herself in. "You look amazing!"

"Well thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." We both laughed and she turned on some music.

"Okay I think we should go to Anderson's." Jackie said while applying another layer of red lipstick.

"The club?"


"But the music suuuckks." I really did not want to go to a place with bad music and tons of sweaty people.

"Oh come on, its not that bad. They may not play MCR but the dj does a pretty good job with remixes and stuff."


About 10 minutes later we got to the club and showed the security guard our fake IDs. We made them last year the day before prom in case we wanted to ditch the fruit punch and wanted something with more...spirit.

We got in and I looked around. People were sweating and grinding on each other. Different colored lights were flashing around the room. The music was so loud I could feel the bass go through my body. We chose a table away from all the dancing bodies and sat down. I turned around and saw a familiar set of hair. "Hey isn't that CC?"

"Oh. Yea I think it is." Jackie stood up and tapped CC on the shoulder I couldn't hear what she told him but he leaned down and kissed her. When he did I saw that someone was standing behind him. A light flashed across his face lighting up all his features; Andy. He walked over to the table I was sitting at and put down his drink.

The place we were at wasn't as loud but you still had to raise your voice a bit to be able to hear someone clearly.

"Hey!" He smiled at me.

"Hi." We stayed in silence until Jackie and CC came back.

"Hey Cath! Do you want anything to drink?" CC asked.

Before I could say no Jackie spoke up, "We would both love a gin and tonic please babe." She smiled and CC walked away to get our drinks.

"Gin and tonic? Are you crazy! We have school tomorrow!" I didn't want to say anything but I also promised my mom I wouldn't drink. Then again she promised us the same thing and she didn't quite keep her promise did she?

"Oh come on! Its only one drink, you'll be fine! You out of anyone can handle your alcohol."

One drink... It was not just one drink...
Hola! Leave comments , I won't get offended! Love ya guys!

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