Chapter 19

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Cath's POV
"You think you're what?" Jackie asked.

"I don't know, I've been feeling sick in the mornings, vomiting and headaches. But I don't feel like eating. And I don't know if its because of that or because of the...break up. Please help me I don't know what to do." Once again, I was crying. It seemed that was the only thing I did. Cry and cry and cry and feel sorry for myself.

"Okay you know what, screw the club, screw the hot boys, we're going to a pharmacy and getting some pregnancy tests." Jackie said pulling me up from the bed. She suddenly stopped and I feel back into the mattress. "Wait... Its Andy's isn't it?"

"Who else's would it be?"

"But you guys barely... It takes a week for , you know, the thingy to start forming and I don't know if you could get symptoms that early." She said.

"It wasn't our first time." Memories of wild nights with Andy started flooding back, making me feel worse.

"Oh I know that, but... Recently?" Jackie asked.

"Well Yea... Maybe like three or four weeks ago?"

"Was it good?" She asked quietly.

"Was what good?"

"The sex!"

"Jackie! That's the last thing I want to think about right now." I put my head in my hands.

"I know, I'm sorry."

" was amazing. I mean, its Andy we're talking about, everything about him is amazing." I looked down and Jackie looked at me with pity in her eyes. "I don't know but this can't happen. My life is just beginning. College and, and pre-med and, he just left me, this can't happen." I was sobbing now, on the floor with my head on my knees.

"Hey, hey. Shh Cath its okay. You know what, why don't you stay here and eat something while I go and buy the tests. Sound good?" I nodded and Jackie left after muttering a quick "okay".

A few minutes later Danny came with a plate of Chinese food.

"Orange chicken, tons of chow main, coconut cream shrimp and crab and cream cheese wontons. Just for you little sis. Well, for me too." He sat next to me on the bed and put the plate on both of our laps. He grabbed one of the two forks and handed me one.

We started eating. God how I've been craving Chinese food. We were almost done with the whole plate when Danny spoke up. "Hey, I don't know what happened, and if you don't want to talk about it its okay, but he's a fucken asshole. Don't mope around all day because of him. He never deserved you." Ever since dad died Danny has put up walls, just like me. This is the first time we've had a moment like this in a very long time.

"Hey I'm back!" Jackie walked in and held up the pregnancy tests, not aware that Danny was there. "Oh...uh oh."

"What are those for?" Danny turned to me.

"They're for me. Me and CC celebrated his last night here, quite a good celebration I might add, and um Yea maybe I might be preggos. congratulate me!" Jackie lied.

I knew Danny could see right through Jackie's lie. He knew her almost as well as I did, plus she was very bad at lying. "Did he get you?... Cath are you..."

I looked down.

"God no. No, no, no I'm going to kill this guy!!" Danny got up and I quickly followed. I grabbed his arm trying to pull him down.

"Danny don't, it takes two to...tango. Look it was my fault too. Plus I'm not even sure yet, please don't freak out." I said.

"Fine," Danny grabbed a test out of Jackie's hands, "then make sure." He handed it to me and I just stared at it. It was fricken frightening, I looked at it as if I was holding a bomb. But I shouldn't worry right? I mean, I'm probably not even... Yea I have nothing to worry about. We always used protection. Its fine, its just gonna be a pregnancy scare. They happen.

I went inside the bathroom and did everything that it said on the package to do. I had to wait two minutes, so I sat down and waited, and waited for what felt like an eternity. The longest two minutes of my life.

Finally the results appeared. I went outside and showed it to Jackie and Danny.

Danny grabbed it and looked at it closely. "God damn it!"

Andy's POV
I heard the roaring of the crowd from behind the stage. Adrenaline pumped through my body as I was getting ready to go out in front of hundreds of people. I can't believe this, the amount of fans, the rush, the feeling. This is what I've always wanted to do. This is what I live to do.

As we are about to go on stage my phone rings. I didn't even know I had my phone in my pocket. I take it out and recline the call, not bothering to check who it was. I set it down on a table and jog on stage as the rest of the band follows behind me.

People cheer and scream and I can't help but smile. This is what I was meant to do.

Please Stay- Andy Biersack A.U. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now