Youtuber You Both Love // pref #36

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this is going to be short, but i promise i will have a longer one out later this week. i am in dire need of some good preference requests, so please please please send me some or comment them here!!!
Patrick: Paint (Jon Cozart). Both of you think Jon is incredibly talented.

Pete: danisnotonfire!! (Dan Howell) All of his videos make you and Pete laugh a lot. (also phil because you can't have dan w/o phil)

(the prank call, aw. dan sounded so sad and i wanted to hug him. i almost cried)

Andy: PTXofficial (Pentatonix). Andy and you are always impressed by their voices, especially Avi's.

Joe: Christian Novelli, because his entire channel is just great and he has some incredible videos and thoughts.

(christian my bby)

hi hi hi i'm back tysm for understanding about leaving. i really needed that break and i feel a lot better now.

did ya miss me

ur all like: lol no

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