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It did take sometime for the drug to wear off and the mafia executive is in the middle of experiencing a delirium and a short-term memory loss.

Chuuya is staring at the wide ceiling half-awaked. He is having a hard time, recalling things that might have transpired during yesterday's mission. Even now, he is still in a state of daze.

The mission turned out to be different from what he expected and he somehow got entangled with it. Washing himself from guilt, he was never aware that his boss will use him to seal an important deal with their foreign mafia investor.

But he's not also entirely innocent. He knew how dangerous the deal was but still he let his guard down.

When he saw a glass of sparkling red liquid being offered to him by the other party, he didn't refuse and happily took the bait. Well, who on earth knows the drink has a drug in it?

The next thing he knew, was he's in a hotel room.

He remembered he felt terribly hot, his clothes were soaked from sweats and his entire body was shaking uncontrollably due to an undescribable feeling he was unfamiliar with.

Now this might be strange to know considering the line of work the ginger has as one of the mafia executive of the dangerous organization in Yokohama.

Unbeknownst to others, he's chosen profession (for the sake of calling it decent) totally contradicts with his principles and views in life. Sure he has some vices. He loves to drink, wine being his favorite, and occasionally smokes whenever he becomes distress in his work. But that's it.

Chuuya doesn't live a wild life unlike for a certain annoying fish that always get laid for unknown reason.

The petite mafia remains clean when it come to taking prohibited drugs and going for nonconsensual sex.

This vow, however, was broken.

He forced himself not to think about it. He refuses. He wants to. But the aftermath of the event says it all. There's one thing that he can't inevitably deny.

The evidence has marked his body. Every part aches and there are some unquestionable places that are hurting. He's all in pain and he feels sick. Did he really did it? With whom?

He slowly rubbed his temple. "Nghnn...f*ck..." Yes, of course he's head is throbbing. This is definitely a bad day to wake up.

For once. There's only a few fragments of memories he could remember.

Two. He feels dying due to a terrible feeling of hangover.

Lastly. He just got laid.

The chibi narrowed his eyes and scanned his surrounding. How did he manage to come back in his own apartment?

Could it be Tachihara who brought him back? If the redhead did, then that means he was never touch by those foreign filthy hands, right?

But if he managed to escape the miserable situation, how come he felt sore?

The ginger suddenly turned paled. There's no way. It couldn't be. Did he do it with Tachi--

"Oh, chibi is awake~" Chuuya came back from his reverie
when he recognized that goofy voice. The ginger immediately pulled the blanket over his chest and shoulders upon realizing he was completely naked.

This can't be. He just need to play like a good actor. There's no way that he can let the mackerel knows what happened. He will tease him for sure.

The petite mafia glanced at the tall brunet leaning on the doorway. He's faced eventually turning sour. "Why are you in my apartment, sh*tty b*stard?"

Dazai just blinked and acted crestfallen. "Is that how you greet your savior?~" The beanpole walked towards the chibi and sat at the end side of the bed.

The executive, by instinct, suddenly moved towards the headboard. He forced himself to sit, even though his back is still throbbing with pain. A small whimper has escaped from his lips.

His former partner, realizing his difficulty immediately stood up and rushed towards the mafioso. "Oi, what's wrong?" The brunet sounding almost concern made the situation far worse than it already is.

The ginger scowled and glared at his rival. "Don't play heroic with me when it's not even a part of your personality."

The brunet stilled for a moment and looked at the chibi with unreadable expression. "Listen to me, Chuuya. I'm not playing heroic with you. I know exactly what happened. And I'm partly to be blamed for it. "

This time it was the ginger who was taken aback from what the beanpole has said. Now everything doesn't make any sense anymore.

Why did he say this?

Could it be the bandaged freak knew what exactly went on yesterday and he got to witness the whole messy situation he was in? How much embarrassment could his life turned out to be?

He made a long sigh and managed to pull himself back together. So there's no point in hiding it now. "You can laugh and tease me for all you want, I won't even care. I can probably guess Tachihara was the reason you're probably here. And of course being a brainiac that you are, you already deduced everything. "

"Yes it was him who called me. He badly needed some help. Since the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency still holds a truce, I came to act as the agency representative. And well I did know every details of the yesterday's event. " The brunet detective briefed.

"The assistance was actually unnecessary but sure your service is appreciated. I'll talk to the boss to give your agency the recognition it deserves. " The ginger stated casually.

"You're in pain." Dazai dropped the most obvious fact the ginger was painstakingly trying to hide. And for some strange reason, he couldn't bring himself to retort.

"Where's Tachihara? I need to talk to him." He decided to brushed off the statement.

The air around the brunet suddenly turned heavy. He's pair of choco brown eyes turned into a darker shade as his lingering gaze landed on his former partner.

Chuuya felt his body instantly shivered. Why does it feel his stare suddenly became cold? "Why are you still looking for someone whose presence is not even important right now? Are you just going to pretend that nothing happened." Dazai tone held more intensity.

The ginger furrowed his eyebrows and looked dumbfounded at the brunet. "What do you even mean by that? I'm not heartless like you and of course I'm going to take responsibility. That's why I'm asking where he is."

"F*ck, Chuuya. To think that you're naivety could reach to the maximum level. You even want to pretend that none of this happened and decided to choose what's more convenient for you. As expected from a mafia. " The executive was surprised by the extreme words that came from his rival. He literally froze and unconsciously kept his head lower. The ginger couldn't met those judging stares.

"Just---just tell me. Tell me where Michizou is. "Chuuya's voice was so small and pleading. The brunet just made him feel all the more guilty. 

"D*mn it! Stop mentioning other man's name when my name is the only thing you should have been calling! I waited for you to wake up because I want to apologize and take responsibility for what I've done!"

The ginger couldn't helped but flinched from the sudden confession. But somehow, for very strange reason, he felt relieved that it was Dazai and no one else.  The once heavy feeling on his chest has instantly vanished. A small smile crept from his lips.

"I want to wash up but I can't even barely move. Everything hurts like hell. " The ginger grumbled just enough for the beanpole to hear.

"Then I'll help my dear slug wash up~"The mackerel gently scooped the ginger from the bed, his cheery voice once returned.

" better spill every detail after this. I--I want to hear everything..." The brunet just hummed. "And I...I'm sorry...and also...thank you..." Knowing the fiery personality of our mafia executive, there's no way that Dazai couldn't even deduced what those words meant.

"Oh~Is Chuuya being a softy now?~" That taunting statement immediately backfired, for the annoying mackerel just earned himself a huge punched on the side of his cheek.

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