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The former math teacher was pacing back and forth. He's now in the brink of breaking down. The cause of his never ending agony and mental distress was all due to his good-for-nothing b*stard of a partner.

Mentioning the name will be consider a taboo at this point. The blond detective was throwing excessive curses here and there just by hearing the mere name of the nuisance. The other members of the Armed Detective Agency decided to zip their mouth and gave the idealist a break. No one. Absolutely no one wants to anger the mother hen of the agency after all. At least not in this moment when everyone is rushing to finish their reports.

When the furious megane went out to get himself some fresh air and headed to Cafe Uzumaki for a nice cup of coffee, the people in the office started their silent conversation.

"Say where did Dazai-san run off to?" The ginger detective posed the question to the innocent weretiger who's also trying his best to locate his missing mentor. Unbeknownst to others, the silvered-haired boy was secretly communicating with his hateful rival just so he can have some clues where the beanpole's could have gone to. His brows were knitted as he glanced at his phone. There's still no update from the rabid dog.

"Atsushi?" The former mafioso tugged the young lad's sleeve looking worried.

"I'm sorry, Kyouka-chan. I got lost in my thoughts." Atsushi gave an apologetic smile and faced his questioner. "Actually...I don't have any idea either, Tanizaki-san."

The young ginger sighed. "I guess, we just need to brace ourselves for the day then. I don't think Kunikida-san will give us a break considering his been in a foul mood ever since this morning. We might be working overtime. I surely have a feeling we will be doing Dazai-san unfinished reports." Tanizaki said solemnly.

"Yeah, that's for sure." Atsushi stated weakly. He had a hunch this will happen. All thanks to his nowhere-to-be-seen mentor.

The farm boy raised his fist and displayed an optimistic smile towards his fellow young members. "Don't worry! With our teamwork and cooperation, we will get everything done in no time!" Kenji stated with enthusiasm that made the atmosphere lighten up a bit.

Though just as they expected, the former math teacher worked  them out to death. The furious megane supervised the entire ADA members throughout the day to make sure that everyone submitted and handed out their reports.

The young members particularly suffered the fury of their idealist. Kunikida brought the enormous stacks of file that were left untouched from the brunet's desk and divided the workload to the youngsters. Upon seeing that stern face and scary look, the youth didn't utter any words of complaints and silently did the tasks that were assigned to each of them.

It was at the end of the tiring day, when the young tiger finally received a reply from his mentor.

Dazai-san: So sorry for the late response, Atsushi-kun. 🙏My battery was dead, hence this is the only time that I've seen your messages. I hope Kunikida-kun didn't chew you out. 😔

The silvered-haired lad could only made a huge sighed and replied back.

Me: No worries, Dazai-san. 🙂We handled everything just fine. Though, Kunikida-san was really mad this time. 😔 Please make sure to talk it out with him tomorrow. 🙏

Dazai-san: Sure do!~😉 I'll be back tomorrow fully recharged!😄

"You seem to be looking down since the morning? Is there anything wrong, Atsushi?" The twin-tailed haired young girl couldn't help but asked.

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