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It's been three years since Chuuya Nakahara, the once infamous gravity manipulator, severed his ties from the Port Mafia. At the mere age of four and twenty, the once Mafia Executive resigned from his post and decided to continue living as a normal citizen of Yokohama.

His sudden resignation widely shock the people who he worked close with, be it his squad or the Black Lizards. Kouyou Ozaki, his mentor and his fellow mafia executive, as well as the Port Mafia leader. Ogai Mori, surprisingly accepted and respected his decision.

Since then, he called it quits with the organization and started a new life. At the age of seven and twenty, Chuuya is now enjoying his days as a poet. It's fortunate that he found a lucrative income from his hobby. He has ample time to write poems, (sometimes) read novels and of course travel to different places he has never been before. All of these are part of his present.

It is safe to say that the ginger is finally enjoying his life to the fullest, until he encountered the very person that had been a part of his early course of life.

It was a signing event for his newest book and his company (much to his dismay) chose a busy mall to where people from different walks of life go and have fun during their days off.

Now this may seem odd, but the ex-mafioso has never been good with crowd. Chuuya prefers to stay inside his working place, out from the prying eyes of the public. But since his demanding boss and his persistent editor requested and pleaded for him to show up his face for his avid fans and for the sake of 'advertisement', (talk about capitalism) he went without protest.

'This event won't take too much of your time. You just need to sign your collection of poems,  show your face and smile to your fans and the public. It's not that much, sensei. ' As what his editor stated.

Nothing could go wrong. Well that was from the beginning, until he spotted a tall brunet wearing a sandy trench coat who was covered with bandages all to his arms and neck. The ginger immediately recognized the man. There's no way he couldn't. There's only one lanky beanpole, half-baked mummy, stinky mackerel, who walks on the grounds of the earth. There's no way he could be mistaken.

"Sensei? Is there something wrong?" His editor asked just enough for him to hear.

"It's nothing." The ginger softly answered. His cerulean blue eyes trailed to the place where he saw the menace but there was no one in that area.

'Must be my imagination.' Or so he thought.

Chuuya went to sign his book and gave it to the person who's in front of the line. He thanked the person and gave his most darling smile, making everyone in the crowd swoon from the enchanting sight.

It was almost near dusk when the signing was finished. The ginger's hand was now trembling and sore from the numbers of books, posters and even some other things that his fans requested him to sign. He badly need a hand massage after this and some therapy bath.

He rose from his seat, preparing to leave. He badly wanted to go home, to relax and mostly to sleep.

"Sensei, there's someone who wanted to give you this." His editor handed him a bouquet of flowers.

The ginger frowned but nonetheless accept it. "Who?" The words came out from his mouth unknowingly.

"They didn't give their name. But they said that you like this flower the most. They even requested that they will really appreciate it if you'll keep it as a congratulatory gift."

Of course. All of the flowers, camelia is the one that he holds dear in his heart. The flower reminds him so much of the happy things he experienced in life.

"Where is the person?"

"After they offered their congratulation, they went on their way."

Chuuya glanced around to his surrounding but there's no one he recognized in sight. "You can go. No need to take me home." He dashed from the exit without bothering to hear a response from his editor. He needs to find the person.

The ginger felt the sudden rush of wind from his face when he stepped out of the mall. It's chilling and cold since it's already winter season. He was in a hurry that he forgot to bring his gloves and beanie.

With panted breaths, the former executive looked around to see if he can somehow find the person, but no luck. He can only see thick snow piling up on the road, some are covering the trees in the area.

"Maybe it's for the best." The wine lover mumbled. He turned his heels and started to walk through the parking area when he saw the familiar figure. The person waved his hand on him.

His heart began to beat in an irregular rhythm when he saw the nostalgic hazelnut eyes. He felt that his feet move involuntarily on it's own until he found himself eye to eye with the person.

"Hey...it's been a while, chibi!~" The annoying voice was still the same.

"Un." Chuuya surprisingly didn't retaliate when he heard the word 'chibi'. He's actually feeling nervous for unknown reason.

"Are you doing good, slug?~"The brunet chirped.

"Un." Now his hand is getting sweaty and he felt his stomach is now churning. What oddity?

"I never thought my pet dog got guts to accomplish big things. To think you're now a renowned poet!" The beanpole exclaimed.

Another 'un' was heard from the ginger. He didn't seem to mind the insults that came from the mackerel's lips. The hatrack unconsciously put his freezing hand and touched his nape while his other hand was holding tightly on the bouquet. God, he's now feeling shy!

Those subtle gestures didn't escape the eyes of the genius detective. He might as well try his luck and push further.

"Hmm...chibi and slug won't suit you now, huh. And I'm not your owner anymore." Dazai pondered. "I'll call you sensei, from now on!~" The statement made the ginger stilled for a while.

In just a split of second, Chuuya's face became red as a tomato. This time he couldn't hide his embarrassment. He immediately turned his back from the brunet and cleared his throat before speaking. "You really don't need to do that. Anyways, thanks...I--I appreciate the flowers..." He tried his best to sound casual and started walking away.

"Chuuya..." With just one word, the former mafioso stopped on his tracks.

Why does he need to call his name now? The low and soft tone is definitely not helping.

"Ye--yes?" He felt his body flinched as he heard the sound of footsteps coming near him.

"I'm glad you're doing well. " The ginger just slowly nodded. He just felt a lump in his throat as a swirl of emotions rushed over him. He couldn't speak. "Hey! That's the forth time you nodded!~ Is that the way you communicate now? Why did you suddenly develop a lame way of talking? And why are we conversing with your back against me? How rude, Chuuya!~" The beanpole started complaining (more like whining).

The former executive covered his face bashfully and slowly faced the man brat. "That's--that's not it." He muttered under his breathe. Unexpectedly, his wrist was grabbed by his former partner. He felt his breathe hitched from the sudden contact.

"What is it then?" The mackerel's voice turned more serious.

Well this time, the former mafia just didn't care anymore. He directly looked at the sh*tty waste of space and just go on with it.


The hatrack blurted out the words that he's been painstakingly hiding, making his other half completely stunned.

The bandaged nuisance, however, managed to compose himself quickly and displayed an amuse smile on his face. "Is that how you say you miss me?~"

"F*ck you!" The wine lover cussed.

"I miss you too!~" Dazai cooed. The brunet gently entwined his hands on his other half.

"God! You're still sappy as ever!"

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