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It was an ordinary day for the people of the Port Mafia. The squad headed by the mafia executive, Nakahara Chuuya, were back at PM headquarters after another mission.

The mission was rather simple. The group needed to secure and loaded some supplies of ammunition and weapons in one of the PM hidden warehouses. Hence, they didn't encounter any unnecessary problem.

After a job well-done, the mafioso thanked his subordinates for their cooperation and dismissed them early to prepare for the next day.

It was passed nine in the evening and the gravity manipulator was about to leave when the Command Units and the young members of the Black Lizards together with the blonde mafioso barged in his office unannounced. All are basically panting and running out of breath.

The martial artist couldn't help but made a long sigh before facing the youngsters. "You guys should care to knock first before blasting my door wide open. Anyways...what seems to be the problem this time?"

Everyone gulped silently and exchanged glances with each other. All have a serious look on their faces.

The redhead mafia abruptly raised his hand and looked straight at the executive. "Since all of them are reluctant to ask, I might as well do the honor."

The wine lover crossed his arms over his chest. "Go ahead and tell me what's going on already. I still have a prior appointment after this."

"I see. I guess you've been busy with all the mission that you totally missed that one special day." Tachihara sagely nodded his head. "We came here to ask if you'll be going out with someone tonight. And by prior appointment, we are assuming it's a date."

The ginger immediately raised an eyebrow. "Is this the thing you guys want to talk about?" The youth eagerly bobbed their heads in unison that made the gravity wielder grimaced.  "And what makes you think that I'll answer your question?"

The blonde clenched her fist. "Because we have a hunch who's the person you are meeting up with, Chuuya-san."

"Oh you do?" The hatrack cooed.

"It cannot be other than Dazai-san. I'm sure of it." The lady assassin firmly stated which earned a shock from the rest in the room and more stifle coughs from the older Akutagawa.

The petite mafia softly smile. "That's a rather bold statement, Gin. I didn't expect you to be quite observant when it comes to my dealings with that suicidal b*stard."

Another hoarse cough was heard from the black hound. "Could it be that there's another person that you have in mind, Chuuya-san?"

The wine lover took another hit of surprise and touched his temple. "There's no one in particular. And Ryuunosuke..." He looked anxiously at the black clad young man. "...No running in the hallways next time. You're already a coughing fits. Don't ruin your lungs any further."

"Please stop dodging our questions, Chuuya-san! We badly want to know if you're going on a date with Dazai-san tonight." Higuchi stated with urgency.

The hatrack just snarled. "Hah?! What makes you think that I'll be going with that f*cking flirt?!"

"Well I'll let you know that he's actually on the lobby right now harassing the staff in the reception area." The redhead mafia informed.

"What the f*ck is he doing inside the Building of Mori Corporation?! And why didn't you guys notify me about this earlier?!"

The raven-haired lad cleared his throat and solemnly spoke. "That's why we are here, Chuuya-san. He told us to inform you on time. More so, he insisted that he's not leaving the PM premise until you meet him personally." Ryuunosuke briefed.

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