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A/N: This happened somewhere along chapter 12 of my book entitled, "He's a Mafioso".

I put everything into detail here about what happened when they were alone in the agency doctor's infirmary, because why not? 

Feel free to find out where it was supposed to be located in the chapter.


A sigh of relief escaped from the brunet's lip as he watched the lady doctor and the two megane detectives leave the room. This time, he can have the peace of mind that he wanted.

A peace of mind that equates to a quiet room and ample time that will allow him to brainstorm and think of ways on how he can find a plausible solution to the source of his present 'problem'.

The cause of all these is none other than his former partner who's now sleeping soundly without a care in the world.

Who would have thought that he will be seeing his long time rival reduced into a sickening state?

He could have been in his apartment right now reading his book on suicide or trying certain stunts on how he can die a painless death but he can't. The beanpole still chose to stay with the petite mafioso.

Chuuya is ill and that was new, even too him, since he never saw the executive being that sick. Sure there were times in the Port Mafia that they were exhausted and overwork because of his former sadistic boss. But they usually slept it off or took some days off, whenever they see an opportunity.

So maybe that's the reason why he find himself totally stuck in 'taking care' of his rival (if that's the safest word to describe it).  The situation is foreign to him.

Dazai closed his eyes. There's no use muling over it. He glanced at the paper bag on the desk and grabbed it.

The brunet brought out a clean pair of pajamas. The set was pure white and loose. Definitely not the style of his fashionable patient. The thought put a smile on his lips.

"I was in a haste. I know you mostly prefer the maroon color but you don't have the right to complain, chibi." He offered a brief explanation to the unconscious ginger.

The bandaged maniac looked at the sleeping mafioso and went to stare at the pair of pajamas he's holding. The realization suddenly dawned on him. He just openly declared that he will be responsible in changing the chibi. How bold of him!

That means, he'll get to see everything that lies underneath those clothes. A very unwise decision.

Dazai groaned and is now uneasy. His throat became dry and he just felt a slight tug in his chest. Okay, he's nervous. He shouldn't be. But it's been a long time.

Yes, he saw Chuuya's body a few times before when they were still partners in the Port. Dazai confessed that there's once a time that he did check the ginger's body frame since he thought it was rather too feminine.

Well the mafia executive could easily be mistaken for a lady with that height and build. And so he did secretly examine the chibi's body shape. It turned out, that he was just a petite man. No other explanation. Period. So the case was closed.

However at the present situation, the walking bandages device is feeling a little bit rattle. This is different somehow. He heaved a very long sigh.

"I'll make this quick, chibi. Don't get mad at me. I'm doing this because the situation requires it."

In no time he'll swiftly change the ginger to a more comfortable clothes. Or so he thought.

He has gotten himself into quite a predicament.

Will he do it with his eyes close or not? It feels invading the petite mafia's personal privacy.

But what if he touch some thing that he shouldn't? What would that make him?

Dazai immediately shut his trail of sinful thoughts. His 'rational' thinking (as he claimed it), should not supposed to go in that direction.

Whatever. He decided to brace himself and chose the latter. There's no harm in it. They're both guys. He has what Chuuya has. There's no use in getting anxious. Why is he overthinking anyway?

The beanpole then went ahead to undress his patient, starting from getting off those pair of pants and shirt that were soaked in sweats.

Though the dutiful caregiver found it odd that the ginger doesn't smell salty at all. In fact, there's a pleasant scent that's coming from his frail body. Perhaps it's the expensive perfume that caught the mackerel's sensitive nose. It couldn't be Chuuya's pheromones. It's too good to be true. Dazai refused to believe it.

One thing more is that fair and soft skin. Why does his skin looks so fresh and delicate? It has to be the body wash or perhaps the luxurious bath soap that the mafioso is using. Nothing more.

The brunet eyes started to wander. The slender neck, the exposed collarbone, those lean muscle chest--the waste of space swallowed hard.  He abruptly closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. He hastily put on the white pair of sleeves to the ginger. Just the pair of pajamas and he'll be finished would this exhilarating task.

But then again, he's just a man after all. Blame it on his natural instincts. He got sidetrack again. His line of sight traveled on the executive's slim waist. To be honest, why does the slug even have such tiny waist? Yes, it's been noticable before even with the tacky clothes he wears but it's more evident when you see it first hand.

"I remember you love food so much, you eat more than the average. But where did that all go?" He's technically talking to himself. 

Considering the ginger always has a flat stomach. There's definitely an anomaly going inside his digestive tract. A huge black hole is in there no doubt.

He began counting sheep inside his mind. He couldn't be distracted for the third time. But then his peripheral vision caught those lean thighs and supple legs. D*mn! He's really out of his mind!

Leg hair should be a prominent features in a man, but why does this person has none?! The genius detective knows that the slug doesn't shave. This must be just a physiological thing. A low level of progesterone in a man can happened. So maybe this is the reason why the chibi doesn't appear 'manly'.

With all the absurd ideas running in his head, the brunet still managed to put the last piece of clothing to the mafia executive. 

He went to fully examine the unconscious ginger. The beanpole sat down occupying the small space on the side of the bed. With a blank expression, he placed his long fingers gently holding the ginger's chin while he slowly leaned his face to his patient, there foreheads touching.

The closeness between the two is the most unusual thing that could happened, but no one could even tell a single soul.

The Demon Prodigy unearthed and disabled any hidden CCTV cameras that are inside the four corners of the infirmary. When did he do it? That's only for the beanpole to know.

"I promise I'll be with you from now on."

After all, Dazai's eternal vow should only be keep just for himself and him alone. 

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