Revenge (Pt.3)

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A/N: Belated happy birthday to our dearest hatrack!! 🎊🎂 (This lowly author totally forgot about it. My bad. 😭🙏)

The mantiger frowned and made a bewildered expression from the meaningful statement, his nemesis just stated. "Different kind?" He repeated.

"Yes. You see, Elise has always been fond of Chuuya-san. She treats him not just a subordinate but more like a big brother. Therefore, it's not a surprise that she will take any means to avenge Chuuya-san."

"Wait..." Atsushi blinked his eyes twice and knitted his eyebrows."But you didn't answer my question."

Akutagawa shrugged his shoulders. "That's because I don't exactly know what her plan is. " The rabid dog replied with a nonchalant voice.

The silver-haired resigned himself not to shout at the face of his enemy and just glared at the dark clad male. He spoke in clutched teeth. "Then what's the point of us having this conversation?"

The sickly mafioso shifted his gaze to another direction and spoke distantly. "It's to distract you from over-worrying."

The tiger scowled and displayed a puzzled expression. It took some time for him to realize the meaning behind those words. "Wha--what are you eve--even saying?!" The young lad asked stammering. He hastily turned his back on the raven boy with his face becoming red in an instant.

Now, it was the rabid dog's turned to blush and covered half of his face. A shades of scarlet red were faintly visible on his ears. "It's for you to find out, stupid jinko."

A playful whistle was then heard from an approaching bystander who was listening all the way from the start of the conversation. The brunet snickered and looked at his two apprentices with a mischievous grin hanging on his lips.

"What a lovely conversation you guys are having, huh~" The beanpole flashed a toothy grin and wriggled his eyebrows.

Of course, his students flagrantly denied the ridiculous statement. The first, frantically waved his hands and stuttered with his explanation, while the other, just stayed silent and assumed his usual neutral expression.

After all the teasing (slash tormenting), the beanpole finally let the two youngsters be at peace and left them alone. Fortunately, the awkward atmosphere between the two dissipated.

The menace went at the backseat and sat down comfortably with his one leg over the other. He put both hands behind his head and lean on the headrest.

"Where is Ryuu?" The person asking was clearly annoyed.

The brunet looked at his seating companion and put on a complacent smile. "Sad to say, Akutagawa is busy being lovey-dovey with Atsushi-kun. I came here as a replacement to entertain your lonely soul."

"I don't need a bandage-waster to entertain me." The hatrack glared at the nuisance.

Dazai displayed a seductive smile and winked at the ginger. "Then why stare with such intensity? Could it be that the slug has fallen for my good looks all over again?~"

"If being overly-confident is your way of expressing self-love then go ahead." The gravity manipulator stated flatly.

The beanpole carded his hair through his fingertips and flashed a devious smirk. "You just can't be honest and admit that I'm undeniably handsome~"

The petite executive abruptly rose from his seat. "Alright. I'm out of here."

Dazai's jaw immediately dropped and watched his ex-partner with disbelief. "Eh?--What?"

The wine lover didn't bother to gave a reply and passed by his rival. Before he could even traveled some ten paces away, the brunet hastily dragged the ginger and redeposited the hatrack to his assigned seat.

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