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Almost every person in the room were holding their breaths. Inside the Armed Detective Agency was none other than the Port Mafia Executive, Nakahara Chuuya.

The former math teacher checked his schedule for the nth time just to make sure he didn't commit any mistakes. Well, he didn't. There was absolutely no meeting that will happen as his itinerary goes. Not when it's already passed five in the afternoon when most normal employees are set to go and retire for the day.

Kunikida pinched the bridge of his nose and snuck a quick glance at the already impatient petite mafioso. The gravity manipulator was seated on the soft couch reserved for their clients. The sounds of his fingertips tapping on the side table was the only thing that can be heard in the eerily silent office.

One or two curse word leaves the ginger's mouth every two minutes (as the blond detective silently recorded in his mind). The idealist couldn't even count how many times he messaged and called his good-for-nothing b*stard of a partner. However, he didn't receive any response.

The worry-wart megane was still busy killing the bandaged menace in his mind when Chuuya suddenly rose from his seat. Those stormy ocean blue eyes immediately met the gaze of the blond detective. Kunikida instantly snapped out from his reverie.

"Say, where the hell is that assh*ole?"

Kunikida cleared his throat before he speaks. "I already notified Dazai..." He readjusted his eyeglasses. "Hmm...Nakahara-san..."

"What is it? Speak what you have in mind, megane."

"Did I perhaps make a mistake about our schedule?" The idealist hesitantly asked. "I re-checked the itinerary but there's no report that we need to discuss with the Port Mafia."

"There's no mistake. The Port Mafia has no official appointment with your office but I have a personal appointment with that dipsh*t today. So if that f*cktard won't show up his lame ass within a minute I'll be going."

The worry-wart detective gracefully thanked the gods in the heavens for his only remaining one-minute of agony. His countenance became more relax.

"I apologize on behalf of that good-for-nothing squandering b*stard. I'll be sure to discipline him more thoroughly."

An instant flashed of elfish grin graced the face of the petite mafioso. "Thanks! I'll be looking forward to see that mackerel horrid face after."

That caught the former math teacher off guard. This was a once in a lifetime that he seen the gravity manipulator smiled. (If what he seen could be called a smile though).

The blond detective felt a rush of blood going on his face. He suddenly felt embarrassed. No good. The fiery personality that he assumed to know definitely contrasted with what he witnessed just now.

"Not--not at all...Nakahara-san..." Was all Kunikida could say with a flustered expression.

A slight knocked on the doorway was heard before a tall brunet popped out his head and waved at the two person in the room.

"Yo!~ "

Kunikida hastily glanced away and weaved a deep sigh to compose himself while Chuuya scowled and shot a death glare to his ex-partner.

The genius detective instantly took notice the beet red face of his partner.

"Don't you dare 'yo' me, mackerel! I've been waiting for ages!" The executive complained.

"It looks to me that your waiting for ages do good for Kunikida-kun." Dazai monotonously stated.

Finally calmed down, the blond detective interjected. "We were just talking about you. Good thing you show up, sh*tty Dazai."

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