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It first started in a week. Then it became two weeks. Two weeks went for another week, making it three weeks. The three weeks were extended for one more week.

Yes, it's been exactly four weeks. A whole month.

The unusual thing has been going on for thirty days and counting.

The idealist has been keeping a track of record on his notebook. Doppo Kunikida can't help but to find it odd.  Because for the last month, he's good-for-nothing partner has changed a hundred eighty degree. Osamu Dazai, the once lazy beanpole, has been consistent in doing and finishing his report and has been joining the greatest detective in solving crimes in the city.

In addition, the genius detective has also been cooperating with the Yokohama Metropolitan Police Department in arresting and putting bad people in jail.

The brunet comes early in the morning and leaves his post rather late taking into consideration that the stack of files on his desk are wipe clean.

More so he's now very much hands on in mentoring his protege. Atsushi even thought that his mentor was abducted by their enemy organizations and the one that's been appearing in the agency is nothing but a fake.

Each and every members asked the brunet some vital information that only the genius detective can answer. He responded accurately to everything. It turned out that he's the real deal after all.

To sum it up, Dazai became a completely different person. A perfect ideal employee for the Armed Detective Agency and a model teacher to the weretiger.

The uptight blond would be lying if he's not finding the rather strange development in the good light. He's not being stressed at work. His ideal schedule are now consistently being followed. The order of things in his life has been changed for the better.

Until that time came unexpectedly. The former math teacher was organizing some classified files in his drawer when he was approached by the agency doctor.

"Kunikida, we need to talk." Yosano sat on the nearby chair with her arms crossed over her chest and looked at the blond detective seriously.

" there something wrong, Yosano-sensei?" The meticulous megane stopped on what he's doing and faced the doctor.

The bobbed-haired lady let out a huge sigh before she started. "We, in the agency, have reached to a major decision that you, as that suicidal's partner, will investigate on how we can return the original Dazai. "

The blond frowned at the statement. "I'm not sure, I'm getting anything about what you have said, sensei."

"It's a special mission that you've been assigned to." The snack lover detective entered in the room with his potato chips and occupied the blond's chair. "And just so you know, we even got Fukuzawa-sensei 's approval. So there's nothing...absolutely nothing you can do about it."

His questioning gaze switched from both of his adult colleagues. Kunikida couldn't helped but massaged his temple. "Please explain to me what is this all about?"

"It's quite simple. You just need to ask Dazai about what exactly happened last month." The doctor stated casually.

"Like what exactly?" His pair of eyebrows automatically furrowed.

"Like what did he do? Who's the one he associated with? Where did he usually go? Anything that you can possibly ask." The snack lover briefed.

This made the idealist looked incredulously at the beret hat detective. "That's basically asking him about his personal life, Ranpo-san. Don't you think that's going over the top. It's invasion of privacy."

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