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The day came when the Armed Detective Agency as well as the Port Mafia went for another paired-up mission. The setting was not entirely new for both organizations since the alliance stands still based from the mutual agreement the two leaders of each group made.

Similar situation happens every now and then, hence the members of both sides have gotten used to it. Well, except for certain people who have undying hatred towards each other.

And of course when it comes to pairing up, to which the blond idealist himself diligently arranged, the name of his good-for-nothing partner and his infamous half always come on the top of the list. Even Kunikida admits that the Double Black will deliver a hundred percent success rate with just a minimum amount of loss. That will keep the uptight detective in paying for unnecessary damages and eventually saves the diminishing fund of the agency.

The blond megane managed to invite the petite mafia executive in their office to discuss about the so-called mission. And though the gravity manipulator hates the present set up, he just couldn't defy his boss' order.

Against his will, the ginger is quietly seated on the office couch across to his former partner and rival. Both have their arms over their chests and their eyes lingered somewhere else. They remained tight-lipped the whole time and just nodded and listened to whatever the uptight idealist stated. The awkward atmosphere is rather odd considering they always bicker and yell at each other.

The meeting between the ADA and the PM representative went smoothly then. The discussion was brief thanks to the detail and vivid explanation of the workaholic blond. The duo's only goal was to wipe out a group of wanted criminals who are currently causing havoc to the peaceful city of Yokohama.

It was a given that there's illegal drugs and contrabands involve. The transaction will be carried out in an abandoned old building which happens to be located inside the Port's territory.

The idealist readjusted his eyeglasses and glanced at the twin dark. "Did you take note of the important things?"

"Yes~yes~ Everything is duly noted, Kunikida-kun~" The brunet waved his hand lazily at his partner.

The executive rose to his feet and thanked the blond megane. He bowed slightly to the members and went ahead.

Kunikida just frowned and looked at his partner suspiciously. "What did you do now, Dazai?"

The beanpole blinked twice and pointed his finger on himself. "Why me?~" He pouted. "I didn't do anything~"

"Stop feigning innocence, Dazai." The lady doctor stated unamused. "You must have done it again. Mr. Mafia Executive must have been really angry this time. He didn't even spare a glance at your direction. Maybe he doesn't want to see you anymore. Or worse he won't even talk to you forever and just treat you as nothing."

"That won't be too far from now. " The greatest detective chimed in. "Withholding something precious to Mr. Fancy Hat will give you the greatest nightmare. The worst of it all is that he's going to replace you."

The waste of space froze and stayed rooted on his position. He couldn't shake the ill-feeling of the words that his fellow members have been throwing at him. "Just why are you two siding with the chibi?~" He whined.

"Because it's absolutely your fault!" The pair said in unison.

The bandaged freak dramatically gasped. "You've wounded me!~"

Of course, the mackerel thinks it's definitely not the case. He's not guilty. He's not trouble with it. No. Not at all. Never. But thinking that he, the great Dazai Osamu, won't be able to see those cerulean blue eyes that are filled with life gazing towards his unfrivolous existence made his stomach churned and his chest felt heavy.

The blond rolled his eyes and shot a glare to the brunet. "Just be sure to make up and apologize for your sh*tty mistakes. The mission held an utmost importance to the agency. "

The suicidal maniac just grimaced. "If I know you guys are just aiming for the money."

The trios didn't argue about the subject . "It does matter, sh*tty Dazai! If the mission succeed, the Metropolitan Police Department will reward us handsomely." Kunikida didn't hesitate to state. "Now, stop being a bandaged nuisance and follow Nakahara-san!"

The mackerel just heaved a sigh and sent waving goodbyes to his fellow ADA members. Even if he doesn't want to think that he's the one who's wrong, he couldn't helped but feel restless. And though he hates himself to admit, it's now bugging him. God, this is unsettling.

Now thinking about the humiliation he needs to go through just to say one simple word, he still needs to somehow sort it out with his former partner. He braced himself up and let himself believed that what he's about to do is all for the overall success of the mission. Just that and nothing more.

Dazai was pulled out immediately from his trail of thoughts upon seeing the fiery ginger waiting patiently for him. Chuuya was standing straight in his basking glory with both hands shoved inside the pockets of his dark fitted pants, his oversized coat hanging loosely on his shoulder.

The mackerel watched fondly those soft ginger locks sway alongside the gentle wind. He never gets tired staring on the ocean blue eyes that always pulls him in a maelstrom. Adding
the well-chiseled face to the ginger's already beautiful features, truly the sight is quite breathtaking. A small genuine smile suddenly crept from Dazai's lips. Some things never grow old. The feelings still remain the same.

The brunet hastened his steps and headed towards his former partner. "I thought you went off without me, slug. Well, I guess old habits never die. It's a given that dogs wait for their masters after all~" He still went with his usual taunting remarks.

The beanpole was expecting to hear words of profanities and perhaps a punch on the gut but there's no such thing. The executive stared blankly at the annoying mackerel, his expression was unreadable. "Hirotsu-san will be here any moment now."

The words were rather plain and simple without any hint of emotions. The cold response came as a shock to the genius detective. He might be a master when it comes to masking his very own emotions but the reaction he just received hit him straight in the core. It made him restless that the discussion he had with his fellow members echoed in his head.

"Chuuya..." His breathe hitched and it feels there's a lump stuck in his throat. This is the first time that the brunet couldn't even find the right words to say.


"Chuuya..."He repeated.

The petite mafia executive just looked at his rival now clearly annoyed. "I don't have all the time of the day, Dazai. So better spil--"

"I'm sorry." The apology may sounded off and insincere but it took the brunet all his courage just to say it.

The ginger automatically frowned. "Yeah right." He turned his heels away but was hastily pulled back by long bandaged arms, one holding tightly his tiny waist the other firmly touching his chest. Chuuya couldn't helped but blinked twice. "What now, mackerel?"

The beanpole started rubbing his face on the back of the ginger's head. "I'm sorry, chibi. I promise I'll return the hat after the mission. Just please withdraw the cold and silent treatment on me."

The executive scoffed and rolled his eyes on the childishness of his former partner. "So you're finally realizing your mistake, huh."

"What do you take me for?!~" The bandaged wastes whined sounding wounded. "I just did that because that tacky hat of yours is completely hiding away your beauty. It doesn't suit you~"

Chuuya burst into laughter as he run his knuckles on those soft tousled brown hair. "Geez, you and your obsession. And please my hat has never been tacky."

"Since you're my obsession, then I'll go along with your statement for now." Dazai returned fondly.

The petite mafioso just groaned. "Whatever, sh*thead." A slight chuckled was heard from the brunet.

With everything back to normal, it was a given that the mission was a complete success earning the agency to survive for another month momentarily.

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