Roommate (Pt. 2)

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A/N: I decided to put the other half of the story in a new chapter coz it's quite long. Forgive me. 🙏


The mafia executive looked at his ex partner with unreadable expression. He managed to drew a faint smile.

"It seems someone else is keeping you company when I'm not around. I should have known old habits die hard." The ginger kept his tone low but the disappointment in his voice was clearly evident.

The suicidal maniac gasped dramatically from the accusation he just received. "Eh?! There's no one else, Chuuya. What do you take me for?!"

The ginger sneered. "A f*cking insatiable beast who's always h*rny 24/7. " Was the outright response.

"You misjudged me!~ " Dazai looked crestfallen as he slumped down from the bed with his head down.

The gravity manipulator huffed and rolled his eyes. He grabbed his phone on the bedside table and checked the notifications that popped right out from the screen. The petite executive screamed vulgarities before shooting back again at his ex partner. "Oi sh*tty mackerel! The Boss wants me to report at his office immediately. There's a cargo that needs to be ship and I need to be there with my squad. Now where are my clothes you f*cking psycho?"

"No. You won't be leaving and that's final." The former executive get up with a dead expression on his face. 

Another knock was heard from the door followed by a small timid voice. The brunet looked blankly at his former partner before heading out of the room.

"Oi! Where the hell are you going, mackerel?!" Sadly, the hatrack didn't receive any response. He was left with no choice but to rely on the blanket to cover his naked body. Just where the hell did the annoying fish put his clothes?!

Could it be that the mackerel wash them? Nah. Impossible. This is Dazai we're talking about. So there's no way a lazy walking lanky giraffe like him could have done that.

The wine lover closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There's no use mulling over it. He just need to wait patiently for the sh*tty half-baked mummy who seems to be taking his time and somehow enjoying his conversation with whoever the uninvited visitor outside.

However almost five minutes passed by and it seems the so-called friendly conversation is far from ending.

The executive mafioso has sharp hearing. He definitely heard someone giggled and there's also this 'flirtatious' laughter coming from the dipsh*t.

Chuuya can't stand it anymore. He had enough of waiting. He can't wait to end whatever sh*tty conversation the flirty annoying fish is having. The mafia executive's presence is badly needed in the Port Mafia. No matter what, he needs to be there A.S.A.P.

Without further a do, he rose on the bed with the piece of that white sheet tightly wrapped around his body. Who cares about decency when the person living in the room doesn't even have one?!

The petite executive sprinted outside the bedroom and yelled at his rival.


It's quite given with that thundering voice that every eyes were on him. The unexpected visitors stayed still for a moment. Their faces suddenly grew scarlet red upon seeing the gravity manipulator.

Atsushi immediately covered his eyes while Tanizaki hastily lowered his gazed. Kyouka just stood there looking at her former senior with an empty expression.

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