Chapter 1: The day just gets more weird as it goes on

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                           Violet's POV:

It was late afternoon and I was walking home from the bus stop with my friend's Maisie and Oliver. We were about half way there to my house. The walk was pretty far but at least it was peaceful. Out of the sudden someone emerged from the shadows; it was a boy that had black hair, a black t-shirt with a skeleton on it, and black jeans that had rips at the knees. The boy had almost fell over before Oliver and Maisie had caught him. "Nico!" they both had screamed as he emerged from the shadows almost falling over. I was confused. "How do you know this kid?" I had asked them.

They said that they will explain later. I was even more confused. Right then something had lashed out and attacked me. I screamed. Maisie had killed it with the swipe of a sword. "Where did you get that from?" I asked Maisie. "I will explain later." Maisie had said. "We need to get Nico somewhere safe so he can recover." Oliver stated.

I looked at my arm and noticed that it had gashes from the odd creature. I reached to touch my face and felt scratches upon my cheek. "Here eat this." Maisie had said to me while tossing me a baggie full of little squares that I didn't know what it was. "It's ambrosia," Maisie had started to say before Oliver cut her off, "Maisie do you have unicorn drought or nectar?" Oliver had asked her. "No I sadly don't" Maisie had answered. I on the other hand was really confused but, I had started to eat a square of this thing called ambrosia.

"We need to get out of here." Oliver said. "My house isn't that far from here." Maisie had answered. "Nico can you walk?" Oliver has asked Nico. Nico had groaned. "I'm taking that as a no." Oliver said then sighed. Maisie had started to complain but Oliver told her to shut up. They picked up Nico and started to walk to Maisie's house, I was walking right behind them. I ate another square of ambrosia, it had tasted like waffles. "Don't eat anymore than 2 squares Violet." Maisie had told me. "Why??" I asked. "Because if you eat too much of it you will start to burn up and die." Maisie had told me. "Uhhhh... I have had 2 and a half squares of this stuff...." I had said hoping to not be scolded at. "WHAT! NO MORE!" Maisie had yelled at me. I put the ambrosia in my backpack for safe keeping.

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