Chapter 7: The actual plan

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     Chiron's POV

I had just gotten done with an iris-message with Maisie Bruce. I sat in silence while trying to think of an excuse to get them out of school for a while. I will deal with that later. I had instead started to think how I would get them back to camp safely. "WILL!" I had called.

Will came running in from the infirmary. "What Chiron? Are you hurt, sick, or anything wrong?" He had asked me. "No Will I am fine." I had said. "Okay, then why did you call me?" He had asked. "I have a quest/favor for you to do for me." I had said.

"Okay, what is it?" He had asked. "Alright I need you to go to Florida, to go get Nico..." I had started to say. "WHAT IS NICO OKAY! WHY IS HE IN FLORIDA! DID HE LIE TO ME AGAIN! IS HE OKAY!?" Will had interrupted me. "Yes, Will he is fine. His powers dragged him to Florida where Oliver and Maisie are." I had said to him. Will then sighed in relief.

"Back to what I was saying, Nico, Oliver, Maisie, and this girl who we believe is a powerful demigod, Violet, are in Florida. I need you to use Mrs. O'Learry to shadow travel there to go get them. Bring them back here safely as possible." I had explained.

"Uhh.. okay. I accept the quest/favor." Will had said. "Do I need a prophecy?" Will had asked. "Yes William but we will worry about that later." I had answered. "Do make sure that you ask Percy to use Mrs.O'Leary first, before shadow-traveling with her please." I had said to Will.

"Yes sir. I will." Will had answered me. Then he left.

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