Chapter 14: Help Me plz

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Maisie's POV

What does Chrion mean by 'Stay where you are'. Ugh, so annoying. I just want to get back to camp because Oliver is acting strange, Nico is well Nico, me and Violet are just losing our minds. I wonder how we are getting back to camp and who is coming to get us. It would be cool if it was Percy and Annabeth. That would be awsome.

"Uhhh... earth to Maisie." Violet said while waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What" I said. Great what a AwSoMe response me. Way to go me.

"You should go and get some sleep. You have been up for at least 24hrs if not more." Violet told me. "No, I am not going to sleep until I know how we are getting back to camp." I said. "No you are going to sleep. I don't care what ur opinion is. You are going to sleep." She said back to me.

"NO! I am not going to sleep!" I said once again. "Like I said. Go. to. sleep. You have been up for 24hrs! Get some sleep for goodness sake," Violet said then looked at Oliver, "Oliver, put Maisie to bed." Violet told him.

"Uhhhh... do I have to?" Oliver said while scratching the back of his neck. See what I mean? Oliver used to NEVER do that. "Yes. You know what, how about me and Nico take watch tonight. And you and Maisie go to sleep." Violet said. "Fine" He said, then muttered something under his breath. "What was that?" Violet said. "Nothing." Oliver told her.

"NO! I. AM. NOT. GOING. TO. SLEEP.!" I whined. "Yes you are." She told me. Then, I felt tired all of the sudden. "I don't feel so good." I said. Then, I ended up on the ground throwing up, in the grass. Someone was rubbing my back and holding my hair out of my face. It was Oliver. His hands are soft. I liked it. It reminded me how my father rubbed my back when I was little, if I couldn't sleep at night.

"You don't look so good." He said. "I don't feel good." I said to him. "Alright lets get you inside. So, you can rest." Oliver told me. "Okay." I said. And threw up one more time before Oliver gave me a piggyback ride.

"Couch? Never mind, Nico is sleeping there. Your room?" He asked me. "Sure thats fine." I said. Dam, he is strong. Oliver had carried me from the front yard, up the stairs, the bathroom, and then into my bedroom. I had no idea he was that strong. "Do you need anything?" Oliver asked me. "Water please." I told him. "Okay" he said then left to go get it.

What is going on with me. I was fine 15 minutes ago and now I am laying in bed sick. How does it take to get someone a glass of water? Ugh, he is taking forever. I liked how Oliver was rubbing my back earlier, it was soothing. He is cute, kind, loving, happy, even tho he isn't that smart. My heart told me. No you do not think about your best friend in that kind of way. Plus, he is a satyr! My brain scolded my heart. No, I am not going to have a crush on my best friend.

I was to busy thinking about Oliver until I noticed that I was probably going to vomit again. I quickly got up and tried to make to the bathroom. Shit. I didn't make in time. This is going to be fun to clean, the hallways upstairs had carpet on them, why did it have to be carpet. I had started to clean it up. I don't want Oliver cleaning up the messes I made.

Oliver came up the stairs and saw me cleaning. "You really should be in bed. Oh. You didn't make it to the bathroom didn't you." Oliver said to me. I shook my head no. That made dizzy, caused for all to come up again. "Oh gods." He said then went behind me to rub my back again. Man, that felt good. Of course Violet now came up stairs. "Oh," Violet had started to say, "okay. Oliver how about you get Maisie to bed while I clean this up."

"Alright. Come on Maisie." Oliver said. "No, you don't have to clean up my mess. I can clean it myself." I said. "Its fine Maisie. Your sick." Violet said. Then, Oliver picked my up bridal style and bought me back to my room.

"Can I change into my PJ's please?" I asked. "Yea sure. Where are they?" Oliver said. "Bottom drawer. Just grab a big t-shirt and some baggie shorts please." I said. He took them out and set them on the bed. "I'm going to go get the glass of water you wanted. Holler if you need anything." He said, then left, closing the door behind him. I changed into the clothes, threw the dirty ones in the hamper, and laid back down. I heard I knock at the door. "Come in." I said.

"Here is you glass of water." Oliver said and handed it to me. "Thanks." I answered while taking the glass. Oliver then put his hand on my forehead. "You have a fever. Where do you keep the medicine?" He asked. "In the covered, in my bathroom." I said.

"Alright, but I don't think you can take mortal medicine, ambrosia, or nectar till you eat." Oliver told me. "Ughhhh. If I eat I am just probably going to throw it up." I complained. "I am just going to get you some toast, and you can just take something right after." Oliver said and I nodded it agreement.

I wish I wasn't sick. I feel bad about not cleaning up my own messes. I don't want to eat but I know that Oliver is right, that I can't take anything until I eat. I took another sip of water, it tasted a little our. You know when you have to get like something done on ur teeth, the dentist put something that taste sour, then they rinse your mouth out? Yeah, that is what it taste like.

Oliver came back with food and some other stuff. "Okay, here you go." He said as he set the toast in front of me. "Do I have to eat?" I asked. "Yes you do have to eat. Just at least a half a piece," He told me, "For me? Please." Oh gods. He was doing puppy eyes. He is just so cute when he does it. "Fineee." I said and took a bite of my toast. "Boop." Oliver booped me on the nose while I was chewing. "Please don't do that." I said. "Fineee." Oliver said.

I ate piece of toast, took something for the fever, then ate some ambrosia. I was going to eat the second piece of toast but Oliver ate it assuming that I didn't want it. "How do you feel?" Oliver asked me. "Like I am going to be sick." I told him then got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back Oliver was asleep. I was only in there for 5mins! How does he fall asleep that fast?! Dammit. Why does he have to be sleeping in my bed. Forget it. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.


Heyyy! So do u like the longer chapters or the shorter chapters? What do you think made Maisie sick?

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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