Chapter 20: No more dying people

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     y'all im losing it. people are just driving me insane. save me.


Will's POV

I finished up taking care of Maisie. I went down stairs to check on Violet. She was still on the couch watching some TV. It was 8:30 at night. "Hey Violet. How ya doing?" I asked her.

"Meh. I'm hungry." Violet said.

"Me too. Do you need help getting to the kitchen?" (Will)

"Sure I guess." (Violet)

I helped Violet into the kitchen. We stood in front of the fridge. I opened it up. "When was the last time Maisie had gotten food?" I asked.

"Probs not in a while. Her parents go away a lot." Violet said.

"Well I guess fast food it is." I said. "Where is Nico anyway?"

"I saw him go into the frontyard. Get a big ass dog and drag them into the backyard. So most likely in the backyard." Violet told me.

"Thanks. Do you want to go back to the couch first? Or do you want anything from the kitchen while were here?" I asked.

"Lemonade please." Violet said.

"Okay." I helped to a chair. I looked for some lemonade. No lemonade. "Violet there is no lemonade left in the pitcher."

"Ok. Water then please." She said.

I grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. "Shit!" I yelled as I accidentally dropped one of the glasses onto the floor.

"What was that?!" Violet asked.

"Uhhhh.... I definitely did not just drop a glass on the floor and it broke. Key word definitely." I said.

"Will. You idiot. Now you have to clean that shit up." She told me. 

"Yeah I know. Thanks for mentioning it." I said.

I got the glass cleaned up without cutting myself. We do not need anymore injures on this quest. I went and got another glass from the cabinet. Spoiler alert: I did not drop it this time. Yay for me. I filled up both of the glasses with water and walked back to the dining room table and gave Violet one of the glasses. "I am going to check on Nico in the backyard. It shouldn't take this long for someone to kill a bug." I said.

"Wait. Can you help me back to the couch please?" Violet asked me.

"Sure" I said. I help her back the couch and handed her the TV remote. "Ok I'm going to check on Nico." 

"Okay. Have a nice time." Violet said.

I walked to the back door and opened it. Only to find Nico passes out on the porch. Oh shit. "NicO?" I said his name. My voice cracking at the end. "Nico are you okay?" No response. What did he do? I quickly picked him up and brought him inside. 

I put him on the couch. "What the hell happened to him?" Violet asked.

"I dont know. Shit I left my medical bag upstairs." I said. I got up and ran up the stairs into Maisie's room. "Oliver get up! I need your help!"

"Huh. What is it Will?" Oliver said while sitting up.

"Hurry up and get out of bed. Something is wrong with Nico." I told him.

"Okayy." Oliver said while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I knew that Oliver would be a few minutes so I just dragged him out of bed. I grabbed my medical bag and went down stairs at record time. I am NOT losing Nico.

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