Chapter 2: Maisie's house

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       Violet's POV

We finally had made it to Maisie's house after about 10-15 minutes of walking even though it felt like hours. While on the way there another creature had tried to attack me. Maisie had used her sword to kill it. Now I was covered in like this gold dust looking stuff.

"Finally we made it." Maisie exclaimed. "Yea, Nico is getting kind of heavy." Oliver had added. "Let's put him on the couch then think out a plan. Also, we should contact Chrion at Camp-Half-Blood." Maisie had said. "We probably should." Oliver added. Nico groaned again as Oliver and Maisie put him on the couch. I went and grabbed a blanket and spread it across the boy called Nico. 

Me and Oliver sat at the table waiting for Maisie to finish her call. "So, Oliver can you tell me what is going on?" I had asked him. "Well okay, you, Maisie, and Nico are all something called demigods. You have heard the myths about the Greek gods right?" "Yeah." I had answered. "So, all those things aren't actually myths." Oliver had said. "WHAT!!" I yelled. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Nico had yelled from the sofa. "Sorry." I had apologized.  "Ugh." Nico had complained and went back to sleep.

"Like I was saying, so demigods are half-god and half-mortal. Meaning which one of your parents are actually a god or goddess." Oliver had explained to me. "Wait but I live with both of my parents." I had said confused. "Well whatever they had told you is a lie." Oliver had broken the news to me. I was feeling so-so about this. Maisie then walked into the room and sat at the table with us.

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