Chapter 21: Foooooood!!!

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             Oliver's POV

Nico shadow traveled us to McDonalds. I don't mind McDonalds. The only thing is that they don't have the best vegan options here. But the Sprite here hits different. That's my favorite thing about McDonalds.

"How did we end up in front of a McDonalds?" Violet asked. She must have now woken up.

"We will tell you that later. But for now what do you remember at the house?" Maisie said.

"I remember something being wrong with the Nico kid. I felt a big burst. Then I remember waking up here." (Violet)

Me and Maisie look at each other. I'm starting to think Violet maybe a special demigod. If she is a child of the big 3 then the gods got some more explaining to do. 2 people rise from a shadow. It must be Nico and Will. "Woah there Will. Are you okay?" I here someone say, I assume it's Nico.

"Dizzy." Someone else says. They soon come into view. Yep. Its Nico and Will.

"Is he okay?" Violet asks. 

"He should be fine in like 5 minutes. His body seems not to like shadow traveling that much." Nico says. 

"Okay." I say. After about 5 minutes I notice that Will pushes off of Nico blushing.

"I think that they may like each other." Violet whispers to me.

"I think so too. Tell Maisie." I said. Violet tells Maisie. Now we are all snickering.

"Why are you y'all laughing?" Will asks.

"Nothing." I said.

"Can we go get food now? I'm starving." Violet says.

"Yea. Let's go." Will says.

We all walk in and order our food. Me and Will both got salad, Nico got a Happy Meal, Violet got chicken nuggets, and Maisie had gotten a Big Mac. We found a table in the back corner. We all sat down and started eating.

"Nico, did you really have to choose McDonalds? There are probably better restaurants than this that sell more healthy food." Will said.

"I don't care." Nico says. Will rolls his eyes and goes back to eating his salad. I don't like my salad. It tastes odd. The napkins taste better that the salad. So does the paper that comes off of the straws.

"Oliver quit eating everything that isn't food." Maisie said.

"Its food to me." I say.

"Well eat human food. Your suppose to passing as human. And eating napkins DO NOT help you pass as human." (Maisie)

"Ffffffiiiiiinnnnneeeee." I say. I eat one more napkin then stop.


Maisie's POV

Stupid Oliver. We are trying to pass him as human and he is just eating napkins straight out of the dispenser. Dumb ass. I saw him eat one more. I hope that is the last one.

Its strange how the plumbing busted in the house. I have no clue what or how that happened. Then Violet passed out. I have strange suspicions that she is a daughter of Poseidon. It could explain the plumbing bursting.

We all finished our food and drinks. "Can we get dessert?" Violet asked.

"Sure. Anyone want any?" I said.

"Vanilla cone dipped in fudge." Nico said.

"Okay. Come on Violet." I said. Me and Violet got up to get the dessert.

"One Vanilla cone dipped in fudge, and one M&M Mcflurry," I said, "What do you want Violet?"

"One Oreo McFlurry please!" Violet said.

"Sorry but the ice cream machine is broken." The lady at the counter said.

"Okay." I said. Me and Violet walked back to the table. "The ice cream machine is broken Nico. Want anything else?"

"One XL cup of black coffee." Nico said.

"Nico that a hella lot of caffine!" Will scolded.

"I don't give a dam. You can't control me Solace. And plus who knows how long until I can get McDonalds coffee again." Nico said.

"I have seen you shadow travel every other day to get food from this place." Will said.

"Shut up Solace." Nico said.

"Okay then one XL cup of black coffee." I said.

Me and Violet walked back to the counter.

"One XL cup of black coffee." I said.

"Is iced okay?" The lady asked.

"Sure." I said, "And two double chocolate chip cookies please."

"Is that all?" The lady asked.

"Yep." I said.

"Okay your total is $8.75." The lady said. I paid her and waited for the stuff. Me and Violet walked back over to our table.

"Here Nico." I said while passing him his coffee. "Cookie Violet?"

"Sure." Violet said. She took a cookie from the bag.

"Nico and you got black coffee?! That's a ton of caffeine!" Will said.

"Like I said before. I. Don't. Give. A. Dam Solace," Nico said. "I like my coffee dark and bitter."

"Just like your soul." Will said.

"What was that?" Nico said while glaring at him.

"Nothing." Will squeaked out.

"Okayyyyy. We should get going." I said. I didn't need to listen to them argue for 30 minutes straight. Nico glared at Will one more time. Will just smiled at him like an idiot. We all walked out in front of the McDonalds.

"We can't really go anywhere because I can't shadow travel 5 people, stuff, and a sleeping hell hound." Nico said.

"Okay. Maybe we can just stay here for a while?" Will asked.

"I mean why not. We can wait till the dog wakes up." Violet said.

"How long will it take for the dog to wake?" I asked.

"I don't know." Nico said. "I'm not dog. So, I am going to walk around for a bit so bye." Nico said then walked off.

"I want a real salad. The salad is here is a piece of crap." Oliver said.

"Well we only have a limited amount of money. So, you will have to wait till next meal." I said. Violet walks over to the grass patch. They grabbed a fist full of grass. She then walked to Oliver and shoved it in his mouth.

"There. Salad." Violet said. Oliver spits it out.

"THAT IS EVEN WORSE!" Oliver screams. He then wipes his tongue off on his sleeve.


heyyy. sry that this chapter is short. im still trying to write longer chapters but dat not how my brain works. ik that this is being published like 2 days late. oh well. should i start a one shot book?

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!  <333]


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