Chapter 25: go fuck urself bish

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TW: Homophobia, Homo slurs!

But still remember that this is a safe place for all LGBTQ+ peoples :)

and wow. another chapter posted with in a few days of eachother. just wow me.


Nico's POV

"EW! GROSS!" I heard someone say. Oh please don't let it be our group. Me and Will break off our kiss and look to see who said that. It was some random women.

Blah. I hate women. The only women that I don't hate is my mother, Bianca, and Hazel. (A/N ik that ur thinking 'NICO HATES ANNABETH?!' no nico doesn't hate her neither piper he just thinks neutral of them) 

Oh. And this one seems to be a fucking karen. fUn! 

"Look at what this world has become. Guys kissing guys. Girls kissing girls. Girls being guys. Guys being girls. ITS BULLSHIT!" The karen spat at us.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. PLEASE DON'T CRY NICO! "What godsdam century are you from??" Will said. "Oh. I know. The 17th century. Well wanna know a fact?? There were still gay people out and about in that time. They were just hidden in plain sight."

Oh gods. Will what are you doing?! "Well looky here faggot. That shit is a LIE! Now how about you both go to conversion therapy?! Awww. Look at this emo faggot. Trying not to cry boohoo." The karen said.

NICCOLO DI ANGELO!! I SWEAR IF U CRY! I just yelled at myself not to cry. "Another fun fact. Most people are homophobic because they are most likely not straight and just can't accept themselves." Will said. "So how about YOU just leave us alone. And go kiss that pretty girl over there."

"Oh. You little bitch. He is right. Ya'know. I may have a better option. How about you just go fuck yourself. I bet your most likely an Asexual Lesbian. Who just needs to find the right women to love." (A/N no offense Asexual people or lesbians) I said. Nothing like pissing off a karen.

"OW! HE HIT ME! OW! OW! OW!" The karen said and then fell onto her back. "OW! I THINK THAT YOU BROKE MY SHOULDER! OW!"

This is just amusing at this this point. I'm trying so hard not to laugh right now. I spot our group in the corner watching.

"Well I don't think that you can break a shoulder. You can dislocate it and we didn't even touch you." Will said.


"You have no evidence that we even put a finger on you." I said.

"I have a lawyer!" She said.

"oOoOoO! Scary!" I said sarcastically.

"You wouldn't even be able to win in court." Will said.

"How do you know that!" The karen said.

"Look." Will said then pointed to Maisie, Oliver, and Violet, "There are witnesses."

"UGH!" the karen said.

"I HOPE YOU JUMP OFF A CLIFF AND DIE FAGGOTS!!" Then karen yelled. Then stormed off.

And there goes my tears. I start sobbing uncontrollably. Fucking PTSD STOP! The group started to run towards us but Will motioned them to stay away for now.



"I'm- I'm sorry mama." I said.

"Now! Go to your room!" Mama said.

Bianca just stared in some sort of disgust at me. Great. Now mama hates me. My sister hates me. That one boy at school now thinks I'm weird. I went to my small room and sat on my bed and cried.

A few hours later I heard my door open. It was Bianca. "Little brother." Bianca said. "I'm sorry that I looked at you in that way. I just didn't know what to think. You will always be my little brother. Even if your a little bit strange. But I do advise you to change how you act when mama is around. I know that she doesn't really like the gay stuff."

I just nodded and gave her a big hug.

(A/N i know that i messed this part up but i'm too lazy to go find the right stuff so i made one up)

*End of Flashback*

I felt someone wrapping their arms around me. I flinched from the contact but I soon realized that it was Will because the person didn't let go. He just held me.

STOP CRYING ME! This is just embarrassing. I'm crying in front of my crush and he is holding me. Stop. Stop. Stop. Finally. Thank you eyeballs for finally listening to my stupid brain. "...Neeks are you okay?" Will asked.

"Fine. Now come on. Were going to North Carolina." I said. We found the Oliver, Maisie, and Violet a block over.

Good thing that Mrs.O'Leary was there. "Come on. Were leaving this hellish place." I said.

"What's up with him?" Violet asked.

"I will tell y'all later. Just leave him alone right now. If you don't, no promises that he won't kill you." I heard Will say.

"Hurry up and get your ass on Mrs.O'Leary so we can leave. If your not on her within 30secs your staying here." I said. 30... 29.... 28....27.....26....25.... I counted down in my head.

I got to 15 and everyone was ready. I told Mrs.O'Leary to just follow me. She barked. I take that as a yes.

And into the shadows we go.


ANOTHER CHAPTER FINISHED BITCHES!! There may be more chaps coming bc im staying up all night. which means that im open for talking tonight :)
i wanna start a one shot book. either klance or solangelo. idk. but yall r gonna give me ideas to write about in those. i'll write whatever shit u give me. (even dirty ass smut for those horny fuckers who want it)
im sry if i hurt any1's feelings <3

i look alive on the outside but i'm dead af on the inside

-Turtle <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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