Chapter 15: Why can't things go to plan

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Nico's POV

Well this is just fun. Being stuck in Florida with people I don't know very well. Amazing just amazing. Florida is pretty but it's too hot here for me. Why don't I just shadow travel back to camp? Well the jump messed me up and I tried shadow traveling instead I ended in the back yard a couple of times. It just drains me every time I jump.

I heard that Maisie isn't doing so well. I hope it is Will coming to get us because he is a healer. A pretty hot healer if you ask me. He could figure out what is wrong with her, but it may not because he never has shadow traveled. Probably just be Jason or Percy, someone from that group.

"Hey Nico!" Violet called. "WHAT!" I yelled back back. "Can you please come help me? I'm stuck." She said. "What do you mean that your stuck." I asked. "Just come here and get me out please." Violet said. I got up from the couch, "Where are you?" I said. "In the kitchen." She said.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that she was definitely stuck. "How the hell did you get stuck in the fridge?" I asked. "Well I was trying to get something down from the top shelf. But I was too short, so I decided to climb and my foot got slammed into the freezer. Can't feel my foot. And my other foot is stuck on the shelf. Help please." Violet said.

I walked over to help her. The foot hit the freezer is broken. Her other foot is stuck. Oh crap. I had been trying for about 10 mins. "I can't get you out without help. I am going to have to get Oliver or Maisie." I told her and left to go find them. I saw them go upstairs so I checked there first. Found them. They were sleeping.

"Psst. Oliver, wake up." I whispered then tapped his shoulder. "What?" He said tired. "Violet is stuck and I need help getting her out." I told him. "Where is she stuck? What time is it?" Oliver asked. "It's 5:30. And I can't explain how or where she is stuck." I told him. "Come follow me." I said.

Me and Oliver walked to the kitchen. "How in the hell did you get stuck in the fridge?" Oliver asked. "Long story." Violet said, "Please get me out. It's cold." "Oliver you get her right foot unstuck while I hold her up." I said. "Alright." Oliver said. We got to work on getting Violet out of the fridge.

Took us a good ten mins to get her out. "Oliver get a chair and some ambrosia. Her left foot is broken." I said. He grabbed a chair and I set Violet down on it. "Where is the ambrosia?" He asked. "In my backpack." Violet said. "Here eat this." Oliver said while handing her a square. "You can't eat anymore of this sadly." He said.

Oliver checked out her foot. "It's going to take a while for her foot to heal. I think its shattered." He said. "I'm going to have to set it in something so it doesn't get worse." "Nico go into the bathroom and get the first aid kit." He said. "Alright." And I walked off to go get it.

"Here." I say as I hand it to him. "Okay, Violet I'm not going to lie to you. This is going to really hurt." He said. "One. Two. Three." He set Violet's foot back in place, and she was now in tears from the pain. "I'm really sorry Violet." He said while bandaging her foot. "SHIT!" We heard coming from upstairs.

Me and Oliver quickly got up and ran upstairs. We saw Maisie on the ground. "Maisie what happened?!" Oliver asked her. "I stubbed my toe." Maisie said. "Oh that's it? What are you doiing out of bed anyway?" He asks her. "I wanted water." She simply said. "I can go get you a glass of water." I offered. "Thanks Nico." Maisie said. And I went to go get her water.

"What happened to Maisie?" Violet asked me. "She just stubbed her toe. That's all." I said while getting a glass of water. "Maisie does that a lot. I'm not surprised." Violet said. "Do you need anything?" I ask her. "Pain killer. My foot is still on fire." She said. "Okay. I will be back in a moment let me just give this to Maisie." I said.

I ran back upstairs to give Maisie her glass of water. "Her you go." I said. She took a sip and made a face. "Whats wrong?" Oliver asks her. "It tastes sour." Maisie said. "Sour? That's odd." I said. "Well I am going back down stairs." I say then walk out of the room and back to the kitchen.

"Here Violet." I say while handing her some pain pills and a glass of water. "Thanks."She said while taking them. "Do you know anything about medical stuff?" I ask her. "No. Why you asking?" Violet said. "Maisie said that her water tasted sour." I said. "I have no clue why." Violet said back to me.

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