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Berenice's Pov...

.....Two Weeks Later......

Dragging the screaming man back, i plunge my dagger into his back, slicing through the bone and puncturing his lung.

He screams , begging for mercy.

"I swear. I wont do it again." He screams, gurgling because of the blood that had made it's way up his mouth.

"Shush, sweetie you're scaring the kids." I taunt, I'm not doing this because it makes me any sort of a good person, i do this because if i kill an innocent person i would be on the cop's radar even more than i already was.

He was a your regular neighbourhood pedophile and as we speak he had two boys and a girl all shackled up in the back of his truck.

I had been keeping an eye on the old fart for a while, i even installed cameras in his home and truck. I also stayed close to him pretending to want to buy a kid from him.

The old fool went as far as saying that he could stick his dick into them to 'show me what they could do.'

I was angry but i played it cool. He didn't even get the chance to pull out his dick completely before it got sliced off.

I kneel beside the kids, his dead body on the floor, i unlock the shackles with the keys attached to his belt hoop.

I made sure to wear a face mask and enshroud myself in a hoodie. Kids are smart and shouldn't be underestimated but when they asked for a name i gave them Phantasm, i always did. I wasn't trying to be a vigilante, i was only looking for someone to kill and so bad guys were easy and guiltless targets, doomed for hell.

"Calm down." I pause. "Did he touch you?" I ask, looking back to see my dogs already maiming and mauling at the man's body, they killed him off.

The one in the middle spoke up. "No," she says, her words shaky. " but he made us take off our clothes an-."

"Yeah yeah yeah, we'll tell that to the cops and your parents okay love." I cut the kid off. Hearing that shit was painful as hell and i knew i would only fake sentiment or dismiss them.
I make sure that the kids knew their parents phone numbers and addresses. I get a hold of their parents and tell them where we were. I hide in the bushes as i see cops and their parents approaching.

With the camera i installed in the truck i see when the kids' parents take them out all in tears and the cops begin investigating.

I left no traces except a dead man and a severed penis, my dad was the best forensic scientist in the country so i knew exactly what type of situations left him at a stump.

I get back to my house that afternoon and turn on the news. I was well known as the Phantasm, cops were hot on my tail but i never left any sort of heading, they were always met with a dead end so they stopped investigating, after all my targets were their most wanted criminals.

Being a clinically tested psychopath meant that i would have a hard time forming true and meaningful bonds with people, up until last year the only person i cared about was my dad and my dogs, the rest of the world could burn.

Then i met him, tall, brooding not to mention extremely sexy. He was just like me and would have a hard time with people. He had no one he cared about.

I became obsessed and made sure my presence was known, i stalked him religiously. The other night wasn't the first time we had seen. We could have stare downs for hours. He knew i was watching him, he had sex beside his car on purpose.

He wanted to see what i would do, he knew that i kept harming his hookups yet he put another one in the front line of danger. I didn't get the chance to harm the blonde one because they were cops around, the next time i see her though.

Staring proudly at the screen, i see the reporter trying to give detail on what i did.

"The suspect was said to have disappeared almost like she never existed, the police have searched for hours but there wasn't a trace of a living person in the area. The phantasm might be a wanted criminal but today she is a hero as she managed to catch and brutally murder one of the most dangerous pedophiles."

I turn my face in disgust, i hated being called a hero. My actions were purely selfish, my intention wasn't to save anyone. Those children just happened to be caught in the crossfires.

"We should go see my baby." I say referring to Steele, turning to face my dogs who upon hearing my voice perk up and they begin to prod towards me.
"Let's get Salior first." I say heading towards the upstairs closet.

I had prepared the place to be dog friendly, Sailor was my newest adopt. A fully grown Rottweiler from a shelter. He came with a shit ton of trauma but i was easing out those knots. He only bit me twice this week and i had contained my other dogs because they tended to jump to my defence and injure my Rottweiler.

I place a plate of food to him and this time he didn't attack me, i turn to see my doberman and german shepherd looking very menacing.

"Stop it, you're scaring him." I say playfully while nudging my other dogs. I adopted them as puppies, i had never raised big dogs before so I decided to start from scratch.

My doberman was named Icarus and the german shepherd was Soldier.
I rub my Rottie's head once he's done and he easily relaxes into my touch.

Getting out their leashes, i clip the collars around my dogs and although my Rottweiler gave me a look, he soon relaxed as i took him out for his first walk in two weeks.

We walk through the forest only stopping once because Sailor had to pee. I pretend to come out through the main road during the day because people would have their suspicions.

Mind you, Steele had never seen my face because at night I either wore a hoodie or a mask, sometimes both and my dogs stayed hidden in the shadows so he couldn't know their breeds.

"Hi Steele," I practically squeal. He ignores me, try again pretty boy. " hey what's up?"
I ask.

"Crazy lady strikes again." His friend tells me.
"Who?" I pretend to be oblivious.

Guilder was his only friend, he had practically forced friendship onto Steele.

"Steele's stalker. She almost killed someone and now he has another stalker." His thick country accent laces his voice.
"Jesus Christ." I say feigning pity. "You have two stalkers?" Turning to face his friend who's already pale from worry. " Has he made a report?"

"Yes, he's tried but there isn't enough evidence, they think he's hallucinating since his security cameras don't pick up anything."

I smile inwardly, i had learned how to splice security footage all because of him.

"I'm telling you man, they're fucking real. Unless i and Anastasia are crazy."
Anastasia was his last hookup.
Steele's face is now buried in his palm. At least my plan worked, he thinks we're two different people.

I should kidnap his ass but how do i lift a 6'7, two hundred and something pound man?

"New dog?" Guilder asks looking to sailor. Guilder loved dogs, he was the vet that came to check up on Steele's animals. Steele didn't like him but forced proximity does something to someone.

I really should kidnap him. Maybe Stockholm syndrome would knock some sense into him......

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