Predictable attacks| pt 2

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I got Marcel to talk. He was easily swayed by money, it took quite the hefty sum to get any thing out of him.

Seeing a duffel bag loaded with cash and my promise to get the tracker out of his chest was more than enough to get him to give away the location of the small mafia or better yet drug lords he worked for.

I found myself on a plane going to Vienna. Everything below the sky looked so carefree as they continued life as usual.
How dare they? Mine had been brought to a complete standstill knowing the second person I cared for the most was in some sealed underground bunker as a some sort of lure to a trap for me.

Taking the directions in which Marcel had told me i find myself at a church.
The innocent places often hide the most terrible faces. I walk in to the abandoned building. Cobwebs and drapes over a lot of things.
The place lacking signs of life since ages.

I pause, i had walked in here with no backup plan. Just to get Steele and get out.
I make sure i have enough bullets and tighten the straps my weapons are attached to.
The building has something wrong with it's architecture, churches usually have back ways.

After a round down i found none. Pressing my ears to the wall I hear the whirs and flaps of a money counting machine.
The security leaves much to be desired.
It doesn't take me long before I figure out how to open the secret entrance. I push it quietly, my guns cocked and ready. I walk through a dimly lit labyrinth. It's made up of earth and metal bars.

This was an illegal slave prison in the past. I'm wary of the lack of security, just as I want to give up all hope and go back up and yell at the tied up Marcel in the hotel. I see a pair of guards playing cards using a barrel as a makeshift table.

I'm about to walk by careless but i spot them first causing me to hide behind a pillar of earth.

"Bro, did you see that?" The one with a cigarette in between his lips says in Italian.

"No, are you still on that crack? It's been hours." His companion laughs while inhaling some of his own. Disgusting.

"What ever man, I'll go check it out."
I hear footsteps approaching. I loosen the leather belt and sash around my waist and hold it ready. The man walks past me and I charge on him. We land into the dust as the man tries to break free from my hold. I grab my knife and plunge it into his neck.

There is a bone chilling crunch that accompanies the knifes introduction to his neck. The sash was to keep him quiet as i had his head pressed into the dust. I grab his gun and a pair of keys and stalk towards the other one.

I see him, leaning onto a part of the labyrinth that was barred.
"I think you should give up," He taunts. "Even if she does show up. I'll put a bullet in her head. Pew!" He motions with his gun before breaking out in laughter.

"What did you say your name was?" The captor asks.
"S-steel." He grunts out painfully causing me to force down a sob, he's in this mess because of me.

"Well, Steele I thi-"

I kick a stone by accident causing him to snap his head towards my direction. He doesn't see me so he goes back to Steele.

Moron just signed his death sentence.

I approach quietly, using the thick shadows to my advantage, i grab my knife slicing through the back of his neck.

He lets out a pained howl. I grab my gun and shoot it through his mouth blood splattering everywhere, his head against the prison.

The light through the window in Steele's prison is enough for me to see the him on his knees with his hands tightly tied behind his back and his body battered. One eye is swollen shut, then is where i loose it.

I hear a bunch of people shouting, no doubt they've gotten wind of me.

I stand up straight, my body moving on it's own. I've blacked out from rage and I don't stop until they drop at my feet by the twos.
I pull out my jewelled dagger from the dead body of a soldier and approach the old man who from his attire was definitely the boss or some higher up, after all what 'priest' would be down here?

I don't care to know his reasons before i pass a bullet between his eyes. I scout the prison once more before i run back to Steele who had already passed out.

I tap his face severally in an attempt to resuscitate him only to be met with sheer disappointment. I immediately check his pulse, now angrily calling his name.

"Steele?! STEELE!" I scream out shaking his body. I calm myself before i go into a fit of hyperventilation.
Screaming at an unconscious body would do no good. I cut the ties restraining him and drag his body. It's no an easy job as it took me thirty minutes to find him. It would take me another hour to get out of here with a man this heavy on my back.

As i drag his body that was double my weight, sweat drips down my body from the heat and labour. I finally get to the stairs, the way in which i came. Making it to the door i pull it open and drag Steele out.

I crash beside his dusty body, mine covered in sweat as well. I check his pulse again. It's strong making me heave a sigh of relief.
So far everything has gone on without a hitch.

This is a fucking set up. I just know it... maybe not down there but up here.

I hide Steele's body behind a marble podium.
Dusting his face i place a soft kiss to his lips. "Don't worry baby, I'll be back. I have to make sure that it's safe out there."  I hide him with things i feel would help and get up.

I cock my gun and put bullets in the rest. I walk quietly towards the exit.
Seeing nothing, i run towards my car. I open it up and check for any bombs or potentially dangerous weapons. I use a special detector to scan the car, satisfied with its answer i rush back to go get Steele.

What I didn't expect was to be shot in the leg.

"Arrgh.." I exhale. I drag myself to hide behind the first available thing. I needed to get out of here.

"Did we get her?" A female voice questions.
"Yeah, she's still alive. Behind that pile of cars."

Those voices, i know those voices.
It's been years so I can't tell who they are but they and I go way back.

The sudden realisation hits me. "Oh fucking hell no." I breathe out as i cock my gun.

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