The Other Woman.

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Lydia stares at me, no words. I haven't anything to say to her either. We share a moment of understood silence, communicating albeit silently.

"How'd you end up working here?" I ask. I needed to know if this was one of Berenice's ploys.
"I've worked here for a few months now." She replies in her quiet voice. "Close to a year."

"You've lost the southern accent." I laugh. "I thought it was embedded into your blood."
She laughs as well.
"I haven't lost it completely just that you spend a few years in a city and you slowly adapt." She reduces the laughter to a smile, a sad one.
"So you're dating the boss?"

Was I?

"Umm... not necessarily, no." That sounded like a lie. "We've been hanging out." Against my will.
"She's okay, treats me well too."

"Lucky you, i used to think that she could only be kind to Raj and her dogs." Lydia helps herself to the coffee that was done brewing. "Careful though, It's not new News that Raj has a crush on the boss." She pauses to have a sip of the black coffee. She hated sweet things. "So I'd say you'd have some serious competition after all, Raj is just as sexy as you."

It spiked something in me to know that she still found me sexy.

"You think I'm sexy?" I ask, i wanted to hear it from her directly.
"Yes, I always have." She says, my heart is damn near beating out of my chest.

"I tried to find you." She says. "Even went back home to find you but no one could say anything about where you went or if you were even alive."

"Y-you did?" I ask, i feel a spark of hope in my chest. This is bad, i owed Berenice so much. Thanks to her I'm an established person, having feelings for someone else was the pinnacle of betrayal but I couldn't help but ask. She didn't have to know.

"Does that mean we- we could try again?" Lydia asks.
As soon as I'm about to give Lydia an answer i look up, directly above us is a damn CCTV. Lydia grabs my hand and pulls me into a filing and printing room. It was empty thankfully.

I stand in the middle of the room away from her, I'm guessing she didn't want Berenice to see where this would go. I turn around and Lydia pulls me down to her height. She plants a soft yet firm kiss to my lips. I sense a bit of hesitation coming from me before i throw all caution to the wind and wrapped my hand around her waist pulling her closer.
I set her on one of the tables and we deepen the kiss. A gold band on her hand catches my eye.

I stop immediately, grabbing both her hands that roamed my body. I stare intently at the ring, it's a big one just like she's always wanted.

"You haven't told be anything about your husband." She looks puzzled at my sudden question. "I-i mean this, this is wrong."

"His name is Jacob, that's also his last name." She answers
"So he's a fifty year old man named....." I drag out the last part.

"Jacob Jacob." She says, resulting in us bursting out in laughter.

"Fuck, that's- that's old." I smile. "If we're gonna do this, just take off the ring whenever I'm around okay and i hope he doesn't treat you poorly."

"No, he mostly leaves me alone, he's too busy going to gentle men's clubs any way, got this job because i was bored at home."

She takes off the ring and puts it in her breast pocket. We get back to kissing, it eventually escalates to dry humping.
"Oh shit." She says suddenly before hopping off the table and wearing her kicked off heels.
"Lunch ended an hour ago."

I fix myself and help her out.
"I'll go out first." I offer and she nods. This reminds me of one time we hooked up in a professor's office.

I open the door and walk out. If there was a way to vanish into thin air, i probably would've because standing in front of me is a cool faced Berenice who is drinking coffee from the same pot Lydia used to brew hers.

Overall post nut clarity washes over me.

She says nothing as usual, but for an undeniable second i see a hint of hurt in her eyes. Do i go upstairs or should i wait with her?

I feel the door open behind me and Lydia walks out. She scurries past Berenice and makes her way to the elevator.

"I'm sorry." I say moving closer. No words again but she pours more creamer into her coffee before spinning on her heel and walking away. I trail after her , my head down.

How could I forget, Lydia hurt me and i threw myself at her, eating out of the literal palm of her hand. Berenice had never done anything to hurt me, at least not me directly.

I follow her into the elevator staying a good distance away from her.
"I wanted to ask you if you were hungry, since I don't have time anymore you and Raj will have to go out."

As if on cue the elevator stops and Raj gets on, i don't know why but I don't like him, not one bit. There's plenty of space but he'd rather stick to her like glue. She doesn't seem to mind.

"Hey buddy," Raj turns to look at me. I'm about to say more but i give him a look. He doesn't budge forcing me to also move closer to her.
"Move away from me, both of you." She says firmly.

..................... few minutes later...

She walks in front of me, her heels making their signature sound as they meet with the marble tiling. There's a thick cloud looming over her head and it causes me to feel uneasy, i catch up to her and we walk side by side.

She opens her office door before she abruptly stops, causing me to bump into her. She releases a huff of air, her hands balled into fists by her side.
"Why did you do that?" She asks, her voice sounds strained.

I don't reply, I can't believe that i even made plans to hook up with her later.

Berenice turns around sharply since my head is low, she grabs a fistful of my hair and forces me onto my knees. I don't fight her on this, it seems justified.

She looks at me dead in the eye since i am now below her. She squeezes my hair causing a groan to erupt from my mouth. Hey eyes soften, no longer bearing the harshness they once possessed. Using her free hand she traces down my throat, her nails causing the flesh to erupt in goosebumps.

"I've taken a liking to you and what's yours, don't make me change my mind, don't make me hurt you." She whispers out before capturing my lips in a kiss. She reduces grip of my hair and i kneel upright still caught in the kiss. My hands roam everywhere they could touch, i trail my hands under her dress, squeezing the supple flesh of her ass. Our little moment is cut short when i hear the door open.

She's held my head in place, I'd be unable to move but from the voice, that's very much Raj. She stares up at him from her position.
The door closes and she smiles, releasing me from her hold.

She swats my hands away and goes to her desk.

"I don't allow food up here but since it's here, go ahead, eat." She pauses as i take one of the foil plates. "Eat well, you haven't had anything all day."

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