Stockholm Syndrome(2)

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Berenice's Pov......

I sit at the table as Gretel serves us breakfast. Gretel is my chef, maid and emotional support lady all in one.
She is the cousin of one of my employees, i got tired of cooking and cleaning up after myself so i hired her once she made an offer. Gretel and i bonded, although slowly.

Like i said, forced proximity does something to someone.
The tension is thick, a knife could slice through it. He sits tensely at the other end of the table. It's already afternoon, i opted for pasta instead.

He barely moves, i knew how much he could eat and what he liked but he was barely touching the food.
"You can relax, I'm not going to kill you."
My gun is near my plate. I begin to eat, I couldn't care less but he had better not loose any weight.

When i see that he's barely eaten i grab my gun and put a bullet into it. "Gretel hates waste, are you really going to put her through the stress of cleaning up after you."

He begins to eat at a steady yet fast pace which causes him to choke. I almost get up to help him but he puts his palm out.

"It's nothing, it's just spicy."
"You don't like spicy food?"
"Yes, I prefer it mild."
"Of course, you're white, what was I expecting."
I try to make light talk, but it wasn't my thing.

This was awkward..........

I sit in my home office trying to do a zoom meeting with a few of my potential clients but men are animals as they keep trying to breach off subject and dive into sex talk. I should really stop one on one consultations but if i do they'll be a decline in this circle of my business. It's new and therefore I'm fully hands in.

"You sure you have a boyfriend?" The fluffy haired, dreamy looking teenager says.
I talk over him causing him to shut up, my dominating and psychotic nature tended to bleed into my everyday life.

I didn't take shit from anyone and my overall appearance was 'menacing' according to my psychiatrist. I'm guessing it's the only reason I survived in this business world, men constantly tried to shoot me down calling my ideas 'cute' and 'feminine' in a demeaning manner but now those old dirt bags come to me to run analytics of their businesses as well as come up with marketing strategies.

"We are here to find a way to boost your TikTok profile, and every second more money is added to your bill so unless you want to walk out of here with a thousand dollar debt, you will not breach off topic."

He was one of those kids who didn't realise that influencing wasn't for everybody, I'm guessing his parents can afford to waste money on a dumb app but not his education. He sucks at both anyways.
The conversation between the clients and i stay on point from there on after.

Shutting off my monitor, i look outside. The sun had set so there was an orange-pinkish tint in the sky. I look at it for a while, it's hella pretty.

"Too bad I barely notice it." I mumble out.
Adjusting my black skims dress, i put on the beige slippers, grab my both phones, gun and walk out.

Turning swiftly after closing my office doors, i bump straight into Steele's chest. I immediately push him away, the shock causing him to stumble back.

"Stay at least one foot away from me." I say.
"Why? So I can be within your shooting range?"

Reaching out to touch him i smile. "I could be hugging you and still blow your brains out, don't push your luck pretty boy."

I just didn't like people being overly close to me, it irked me out. He was an exemption though.

"Tomorrow we're going out, be at breakfast before 10 so you can make special requests to Gretel." I pause. "Better be nice to her because she's not your subordinate."

Last thing i wanted was a man whose ego stood taller than his cock.

I make my way to the kitchen and help myself to some food, Gretel informed me that he had eaten earlier on before leaving. Gretel didn't live with me.

..........the next day afternoon..........
Watching as they tailor the Armani suit onto him, i give a small smile. Damn was he sexy.

We had gone out to get some clothes and suits for him because all he had was flannel, tank tops and jeans. He couldn't be around me and look like bread.

Eventually i got bored of hauling him around a shopping mall and other boutiques, we had two shopping partners who carried our bags. I was lucky that i decided to wear this black skims jumpsuit and chunky sneakers.

"Thanks for buying me all these clothes but what's with the suits?" Steele asks.
"You and i, have a little event to attend later this evening baby and I don't think flannel would be a good look."

I start walking towards the nearest restaurant because 1, i was hungry and 2, my feet were killing me. We sit under the shade provided by the canopy and place our orders.

I feel him staring at me from the back of my phone causing me to put it down.
"What is it?"

"What kind of event are we attending?" He asks, he looks genuinely curious.
"Some rich guy wants to show off his newly built multi million dollar mansion, pretty sure he wants me to suck his dick."

He looks confused. "He's been hitting on me for the longest."

The waitress comes with our food and wine, i see that she's had a change of clothes and now put on a deep red shade of lipstick.

"So is there anything else you would want, sir?" I generally ignore then, then i see her fondling with the ends of her skirt. Don't get me wrong i think that she's pretty, but stay the hell away from Steele.
"I-I'm good."
"Are you sure? I thi-."

"Hey," I call out to her and she turns to face me. "Get the fuck out of here and come back only once you are called for or we're finished."

She looks shocked. "Excuse me, miss but-."
I give her my signature menacing look and she walks off annoyed.

"I knew that you were sex on legs but sheesh." I smirk to him.
"You didn't have to be so harsh." He says. "She was only trying to be nice."
"And her niceness was getting me pissed. Lets eat we have to be at that event by eight."

Once done, the waitress comes back, taking my black card she asks dully. "How many percent would you like to tip?"

"Two hundred." Steele looks shocked because the wine alone was close to $500 and the total being $800.
"I'm sorry two hundred." She sputters.

"Hmm, i guess i owe it to you for being rude earlier."
"T-thanks." She says. I notice her accent, it sounds very Eastern like, not to mention her looks.
"Where are you from?" I ask.

"I'm from India."

I smile. "You look pretty, can i have your number?"

"Sorry, I'm not a lesbian." I cock a brow.
"I'm not either but i am bisexual." Putting my number on the table i say. "Call me once you've had a change of heart, i pay well."

Steele watches all this shell shocked. Once we get to my Lamborghini Urus, he lets out.
"I didn't know you were bisexual."
"I'm not, but i need to experiment on something."

"What the hell, are you going to kill her?" He asks anger and worry evident in his voice.

"No, i need her hair care routine that's all."
Steele looks pissed and i break out in uncontrollable laughter.

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