Epilogue: Everyday after.

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After a year being married I went to a charity event that my company hosted.

It was at a children's hospital/ adoption centre, I didn't want to be there but i had to after all i was the organiser.
I escaped the event leaving Steele to fend for himself with the constant press bombardment.
I sigh in relief when i come into an empty hospital room. I want to make sure it's empty as i scout the room only to see two boys huddled together looking at a world map.

"Do you ever think we'll leave this place." The straight haired one says.
"Of course we will, we'll find our parents soon." The darker skinned one says.
I'm good at reading people so it's easy to see that he said it to reassure himself more than his friend.

"But were already eleven, the caretaker said it would be difficult."

"Now why would she say that?" I question.
They both jump back in fear causing me to raise my hand to prove i was harmless.

"Hey, it's cool." I tell them, i sit on the bed as well. "Why would your caretaker say such a thing?"

They explain that they were almost teenagers so it made the probability of them getting adopted very low.

"What are your names?"
"I'm Kelvin and this is Yuri."

Kevin says that he was born to Nigerian parents but they had to put him up for adoption as they couldn't take care of him, eventually they stopped coming to visit. Only dropping by once in a while but he didn't like seeing them.

Yuri said he had been here since he could remember. According to the nurses he was of Chinese/Mongolian descent but was named Yuri by his first nurse.

"Well i don't have any kids. I haven't thought about kids much either, but you two seem smart. Kelvin seems pretty good at math and cartography." 

i turn to Yuri. "What do you like doing?"
"I like food."
"Me too, but I can't cook."

I was quickly enamoured with the boys. They were known as 'the twins' by everyone.
There was no place you would find Kevin that Yuri wouldn't be and vice versa and they were born on the same day in different months.

It was a very shocking coincidence.

"Do you guys want to come home with me?" I ask. "I could take care of you, buy you nicer things and your room would be bigger than this dump."

"Yes really."


After a few months and a court hearing, Steel and I brought them home.

They came to our place a month earlier and helped us setup their room.
Today was the first Christmas that they spent with a family.

Steele was better at caring for them than I was, we also decided that home school was best for them.
I didn't feel too good and Steele had been looking at me suspiciously.
I had a migraine in the middle of setting up the tree and i went to rest.

"You've been acting strange as of recent." Steele says bringing me a pill and some water.
"I'm fine." I insist. " I've probably caught a cold or something."

"No i think it's something else." He says. "Here, let's try this."

I take the packet from his hand only to see that it is a pregnancy test.
"Do you think?" I question.
"Yes, condoms and pills are a bit foreign to our sex life."
"You didn't let me take any pills."

"Not when the side effect sheet is a whole ass tent ."

We stare impatiently at the sticks. Half of me hoped it was negative and the other half was praying that i would be a good mother.

Then i see it, double lines on both the tests.

"Looks like you're pregnant." Steele sits up and puts the used tests on his night stand.
"Why are you keeping them?" I question.

"I'm about to be a dad, biologically this time. I just want to hold onto them.

"What do you think it's going to be?"
"To be honest, I don't care but i hope to god it's a girl."

"Me too." I smile. "Just one right?"

(Third person's pov.)

The months fly by, Yuri and Kelvin are now older brothers to another set of twins.

Lani and Lexi.

As new parents to two newborns, things were hectic and a lot more stressful. 
Kelvin and Yuri were trying to be the best big brothers they could.

Everything was perfect, that was something that Berenice wouldn't have dreamt of in a million years.

A nice house that had been made into a home.
A husband that the sun rose and set over.
Two boys that a dull moment couldn't go by when they were around.
And two beautiful baby girls.

A/N : turns out i also suck at epilogues

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