Communicate With Me.

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The rest of the day went on a breeze, i spent some time briefing a few new interns and contemplating killing Steele along with his little girlfriend.

I hear a purr in the corner and look to see carpet the office cat. I picked up this motherfucker from the streets and turns out she's worth a pretty penny. Raj suggested we sold her but I kept her so she could live her best life as an office cat.

I wasn't a cat person but everyone pretty much enjoyed having carpet around.
The purr also turns my attention outside, it was dark and Steele had already fallen asleep. I pack my things and grab my car keys. I had half a mind to leave Steele here but I might get horny and vibrators don't cut it anymore.

"Bye carpet." I beam at the annoyance that disguised itself as a cat. Strutting over to Steele I almost slap him awake but I didn't need any counts for domestic abuse. Huffing and rolling my eyes I gently shake him awake, He stirs up and as soon as he realises it's dark he gets up and begins to follow me.

The elevator ride is silent, the entire building is silent. There's no trace of life other than the security guards who will soon retire for the others to take up the night shift.

This place seems ghostly and just like a human being it was once brimming with life by the end of the day it's nothing but an empty husk of what it once was.

"You walk really fast." Steele says trying to catch up to me. For a tall man Steele's strides were quite small.

My walk and resting face had always been compared to that of a soldier's. I had really long strides and it wasn't feminine at all. I had grown to stop caring but it always loomed over my head.

"You sound like my dad." Opening my car I shoot him one last glare. "Stop bitching about it, I'm sure Lydia walks slower." I say getting into my car. It's easy to see the shock in his eyes before he ceases eye contact.

Cunt. I mutter under my breath as he gets into the car as well.

My dad was a short man at a height of 5'4. I grew to surpass him quickly and he began to find it difficult to keep up with me also due to his arthritis.

"Slow down kid, have some mercy for your old man."

I smile at the memory, it's been a long while since I visited him last. Now I think about it, Steel sounded nothing like my dad. My dad always treated me with love and had nothing bad to say about me.

He completely made my childhood.

"I'm sorry about Lydia okay?" Steele says snapping me out of my sweet memories.

I give him a side eye.

"There's quite literally no where in that building that has no cameras. Even in the bathrooms." I tell Steele. "I'm not some kind of perverse person, trust me. It's just that i don't trust people."

"There are cameras everywhere including your little make out spot." I pull out a gun from a hidden compartment,Steele's breath gets caught in his throat. I give him a bright smile, pointing it at him. "I see and hear everything."

He looks terrified. Good.

I start the car and begin the drive home only stopping to get a shawarma from a Nigerian street vendor. I absolutely loved those things.

The ride home is silent as Steele isn't his usual chatty self. Steele had many personalities.
A cold farm boy with a shit ton of baggage.
A sarcastic comedian.
A Greek god.
A sex machine.
As well as a gullible child.

The last being my least favourite. It's almost like i need to put him on a leash of some sorts. It didn't have to be a physical leash, I had some mental hold on him but apparently it wasn't enough.

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