The One Man.

46 3 0

Song for this chapter: Moral of the story.

People fall in love with the wrong people sometimes.
Some mistakes get made...... That's alright, that's okay.

It's been years since i last saw her. Years since i saw that heartbreak she tried so hard to hide.
I sit on my farm, overlooking the lake.

She and i stopped speaking three years ago only handling business through a mediator. We hadn't spoken on anything personal.

After I witnessed her murder over 30 people in cold blood, i wasn't sure if she and i could work. What if they came back? I was lucky to be alive the first time but what if the next is a 'hit and run'. I asked her to keep her distance and so she did, we agreed to not to speak except on the grounds of business.

What I didn't know was that we would stop speaking entirely.
I had it all planned out, if we went for a few dates after I asked her out properly I'd splurge on her dream ring and we'd get married.

Sign our paperwork and jet off to some country for a month. I had it set until i was knocked unconscious and carted off to a country i had never been to.
She came for me though. I heard what she said.

I felt selfish for ignoring her all those months but now she returned the favour i have to hold myself from running all the way to her home.
I stand, making up my mind to visit her, I can't run from her forever.
I get into my car and make my way to her house, the way there was wild as I imagined every worse case scenario.

She could've moved on,
Found someone better
Probably had a kid now with how that Raj guy acted around her.
Like a bitch in heat.
She could also reject me.

I wince at the last one but I honestly would deserve it.
I pull up to her gate, hyping myself one more time. Pushing it open, surprisingly it's unlocked.
I jog up the stairs leading to the glass pivot door and ring the doorbell.

I look at the roses i got last minute, would she accept them? What about me, would she accept me?
I see her come into view. She looked so dreamy with her short black silk robe leaving her creamy legs on full display, her natural hair is longer now. Thicker and reaching her shoulders, it's also wet letting me know she just got out of a shower as she dries her hair.
I'm guessing she finally found a good hair routine, one she was so obsessed with getting.

She had also gained weight, she looked~ healthier, not that she looked sickly before but her eyes now have a light they once lacked.
I smile at her, she just blinks at me and looks past my shoulder.

She opens the door.
"Why the hell are you here? I'm not responsible for what happens to you from here on out."

"Can i at least come in?"
"You're already in my entry way, how much in do you want to be?"

I already knew it wouldn't be easy.

"Maybe as far as the living room."
"My dogs are there."
"Here is fine."

"You look good." I compliment, she was a sight for sore eyes.
"You look like you belong in a morgue." I look down at myself at her shocking revelation. "You're fine, what do you want?"
She huffs.


"Off the market and off limits."
"You're in a relationship huh?"
"We fuck off and on. Nothing much."

"Nothing much won't equate to you being 'off the market'." I pause. "I don't remember when last i had sex."

Her eyes go hooded, an action she tends to do when she lacks interest.
"I fail to see how that's my problem." She turns on her heel, heading to the wine display on her wall. It was extravagant ~ just like her.

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