As It Was.

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Why won't these kids leave me alone. I'm sure that were all adults now with some in their 30's but was our conflict always this bad?

Given i tried to murder them in Paris but over two hundred people died as well, they didn't come back to complain. As i hear their footsteps approaching it's accompanied with the sound of guns.

I'm in a tight corner, my leg is bleeding, I can't stand but the love of my life is in that building completely unconscious. If i go, what makes me think that they'll spare him.

He's next on their hit list.

With new found determination i use my belt and sash as a tourniquet and get up using the cars as support.
Those guns are bound to run out of bullets and i hope it's before they tear through the cars.

I hear the clicking of a used up barrel and begin my counter attack. Mariana being the first to have her brain splattered against my car's wind shield.
Even in death she managed to look good. Too bad she died before I could as how she got her natural hair so thick.

It sends Jason into a shock before he came charging at me. Knocking the gun out of my hand.
He tackles me to the ground, landing punches and kicks. I curve into a ball and protect my head while planning my next move.

I'm dusty and have a nosebleed but I'm alive so It's fine. I hear Jason cocking his gun. There's no way that I'd escape this now.

"You've always thought you were better than us, just because you were born rich and had a loving father. Mariana was all i ever had, she and my daughter." He pauses, his voice tear filled and choked.
"My little girl was in that building, the one you blew up."

I feel my stomach churn. The guilt coming back ten times worse. I had killed innocent people to protect myself but it was never my intention to take the life of a child but I might as well have considering how many I rendered orphans or without a parent.

Jesus kill me now. I kind of deserve it.

He's about to say something but i kick him in the nuts causing him to hunch over and i land another kick to his face causing the gun to fly from his hands.

He doesn't stay down and rushes to get his gun just as i rush to get mine. He shoots at me but I've hidden behind the pile of cars again. I don't shoot but wait as i did before.

Jason now ten times the wiser also ceases fire. None of us shooting.
I get up again, my mind numbing the pain in my leg. I make a dash to his car. He sees me but isn't quick enough to shoot.

"Since we're both too pussy to shoot how about we fight it out? Who ever dies first loses." I call out to Jason. I had no intention to play fair. I tuck my dagger into a strap hidden in my clothes.

"Come on out you bitch!" He yells.
"Throw your gun first." I say, the moron does as i ask, throwing it beyond my head and far out of my reach.
"Now your turn."

I throw mine as well and come on out. As expected he still had a gun.
"You're really stupid." He snickers. "For someone who is supposedly smart, you're fucking stupid!"

I hold my hands up as Jason begins to make demands. The first being to sign over my company and everything i had to my name. He has me at gun point from the back of my head, any slip up and a bullet would be lodged in my brain.

"Fine!" I say signing all the paperwork. From the side of my eye i see that he looks at his watch for a brief second and i take that minuscule moment of opportunity and use it to my advantage.

I don't try to take the gun from him knowing that he'd have it in a strong grip but I pretend to wrest the gun from him but only trying to buy myself some time. I reach into my clothes and bury my dagger in his wrist, the gun falls as he howls in pain.

He's brought to his knees and as he musters up strength to stand straight, i slice clean through his throat in one deft movement.
I watch the life drain from his eyes as he holds his throat and blood spills from the side of his lips and gaps between his fingers.

He drops to the floor, his face pale and his lips blue as he chokes on his own blood. I crouch beside him seeing him become a husk of what he once was. I feel remorseful and i tell him what i hold back, I don't want him to die without hearing it.

"I know I'm in no position to ask you for anything, but i hope you can forgive me. If you meet Mariana or your daughter again tell them, especially your daughter that I'm asking for their forgiveness. I never meant to hurt anyone, i was just being selfish and the power i felt was only temporary."

I see the understanding as he slowly and stiffly nods his head. I stay with him as he breathes his last. He's always had a hard life and he wasn't ashamed of saying it at school.

He used to work in a bar as an escort so he could provide for himself. He met Mariana there and they've been together ever since. If they were fake things in life, the love Jason had for Mariana wasn't one of them.

I stand to my full height. I turn around to see Steel, he had been standing there, for how long?
I rush towards him. Halfway up the stairs i stop. If he heard anything he might want nothing to do with me. It's best i keep my distance. I clean the evidence that i was involved with the crime and call on Steele.
"C'mon. I need to get you home."

I help him into the car, the ride is silent as I begin to question myself.

"You murdered that man, all those people too." He says.
"What do you think? It was either me or them and I wasn't an option."

We continue in silence and i let Marcel go home after an agreement that no words about this incident would be breathed to anyone but us three in this hotel room, better yet what happens in Vienna stays in Vienna.

............(Six Months Later)............

Steele and I don't get back together, we agreed to maintain a distance.
I only saw him whenever it was on the topics of business.

I also saw my dad for the first time in years. He chastises at me for leaving his grave so cold and never warming his spirit with my presence.
I hadn't seen him in my dreams for years, him coming to play hide and seek with me was my wake up call to visit him, having a shrine of him at home wasn't enough.

I place a kiss to his head stone and my golden retriever puppy nuzzles me. On my way back home from Vienna I paid a visit to the shelter i got Sailor from. I fell in love with the puppy and brought all three available for adoption home.

A golden retriever.
A great pyrenees and a Rottweiler.
Icarus wasn't too big on having them but Soldier was ecstatic.

I stand to my full height and smile at my dad's head stone. I walk to my car, all five of my dogs following. I don't worry too much about the puppies as Icarus is most likely herding them.

He didn't like them much but took responsibility for all.
My boys get in the car and i close the door.
I let down the roof of my Ferrari and put on my glasses.

I feel the wind in my face and i pat my dogs who equally do. I drive down the road into the sunset, i feel satisfied as the happy yips and barks of my dogs fill the air around me.

Things are fine now, back to the way they were.
As it was, as it was always supposed to be.

Although a piece of me is missing I'll find it even if it doesn't come from Steele.

Especially if it doesn't come from Steele.

A.N: my book is coming to an end.

ROTTEN {18+} Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz