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I have always hated social standards, especially ones that surrounded the wealthy. My family being part of that standard. The constant playing nice and parading that you are better than everyone else. Whether you learned a new language or helped those less fortunate. It was a disgusting twisted game for the rich. I unfortunately had to play by those standards. Meet new people, attend parties, boast about my 'gifts'. It was exhausting. But if I didn't keep up the façade, I'll just get another lecture. Expressed that I was the only daughter of four. Told that I was to find a strong rich man. Just to continue this horrible tradition. Passing it on to my daughters if I had any. Teach them to bite their tongues. Be a proper lady and listen to their husbands like a good wife. Yuck.

I rather be free of these chains. To run wild and free in the woods that surrounded my home. Just the same way my three older brothers could. Every full moon that I could remember. My brothers and others would go hunting. Screaming and hollering like a pack of dogs. While I sat at home bored out of my mind. And itching to dig bare feet into the earth's surface. To feel the dirt between my toes while I ran. To feel the wind breeze by. I knew better however. I was to be obedient, follow my father's and brother's orders blindly. That's how I found myself getting ready for tonight's party. Being dressed and groomed by our maids. In hopes that tonight, a disgustingly old rich man, will ask for my hand. And only allowed to leave my room when the maids thought I looked gorgeous enough.

Turning left and right in front of a mirror. I wasn't one for wearing flashy dresses. Or dresses that showed off way too much skin. Though the one chosen for tonight was tasteful. A bluish-white dress that shined like water. The back open with three loose rows of gold chain. The cool metal resting on my back when I stopped moving. The neckline non-existent as it showed off the top of my breasts. The rest of the dress flowed down to the ground. A slip running up mid-thigh on my left side. My normal straight golden brown hair, curled and pulled out of my face. Thankfully I didn't have to put on makeup given it was a masked party. Knocking at my bedroom door caused me to lift my eyes up. Staring at the reflection of the door as it opened. In came the youngest of my three brothers, Vahn. Sandy brown hair that was mainly unkept now combed back. Gelled down to hold it in place. Wearing only slacks, sleek black shoes and a dress shirt. Buttoned up all the way but the three top ones. Flashing untouched fair skin. A well carved mask of a reddish brown wolf sat on his face. Blue irises flinging in my direction.

"Well now. It looks like the princess of the castle has grown. Does father know you have chosen this dress?" Vahn asked. His voice light and playful. Rolling my eyes at him I turned to face him. Crossing my arms and leaning my weight onto one foot.

"Ha ha. Father was the one who chose this dress. I had no say, you know that already."

"That just means Max and I will have to fight off undesirables."

"You wouldn't have to do that. If father would stop acting like I'm a helpless little girl. I can easily take care of myself." I countered and moved to grab my mask from the vanity. A carved white wolf that had blue streaks that matched my brothers'. Effortlessly putting it on without disturbing a strand of hair.

"Now we all know that is untrue. You do not know how to defend yourself. Besides there are things out there far more dangerous than you know." Vahn said calmly picking at his nails.

"Like what exactly?" I pushed for him to continue. Waiting for his smart remark.

"Like wolves dear little sister." He held a hand out for me to take. Taking it without thought. Letting him guide me out of the room as we continued talking.

"Wolves are just untamed dogs. How could they be dangerous? As long as you know how to scare them off. They are no threat to you."

"Oh how I wish to be this naive. Kamille these wolves cannot be scared off. They are massive as well. Only the strong can scare them off, to which you are not. That is where Father, Stefin, Max and I come in. We will take care of you until you are married off. Then your husband will do the taking care off. Just continue to stay naive." I loved my brothers, truly I did. But sometimes I wish to strangle them. Vahn and Max both knew this treatment was wrong. But they had to follow along as well. Else father would disown them. And tossed out to fend for themselves. Never allowed to return home. Which in my eyes was probably the best option to being a prisoner. They meant well I know that. It was just difficult at times to remember that when they acted like this. Over protected and over bearing.

Alpha's Second Chance (Edited version)Where stories live. Discover now