{Guide Dog}

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"Mingi, do I really need to wear a skirt? It's uncomfortable and I feel embarrassed. "

"Oh come on, you look great! Light blue is definitely your color. "

"Whatever, just shut up and help me back to the bathroom, so I can change. "

~A Few Days Before~


"Come on?"




Mingi is my best friend, he's also an idiot sometimes. He's been trying to convince me for last few weeks and a half to pretend to be his girlfriend. Because apparently his long distant girlfriend broke up with him a month ago and he's too embarrassed to tell his friends who already think that she doesn't exist, because they've never seen a picture of her or heard her voice. Honestly, I don't even think she's real.

"Just pretended for a few weeks, it'll be fine!"

"Mingi, just because I'm blind, doesn't mean that they are, and you're an idiot....but fine I'll be your girlfriend."

"Yes! Thank you, you're truly the greatest friend of all time!"

Oh, his friends have never seen me either because I'm homeschooled. My mom thought it would be better for me since I'm blind and she thought that I would get picked on way less. I also don't get out much unless it's with Mingi or my parents.

I was actually born blind and the doctors claim that they don't know why, since nobody else is blind in my family, though my great aunt does have glasses... But, it doesn't bother me as much as you would think. I have a guide dog named Bada. She's a Dobermann and is really sweet.

Mingi and I actually met in a Café, I was with my mom and Bada, and he came up to us and asked if he could pet Bada. I told him yes, but just for a few seconds because she's working. He ended petting her way longer than a few seconds... I didn't say anything though because he sounded cute, I found out later that he actually worked at the Café and I went there every chance I got, just to be able to talk to him again. After a while, we became best friends and have been ever since.

"Anyways, you ready to go?" I asked looking in his direction and he hummed before we both stood up. I held onto Bada's leash and linked mine and Mingi's arms together as walked out of the Café after he paid.

Mingi was never bothered by the fact that I was blind, he treated me like I was a normal person, like I was just like everyone else in the world and I liked that.

He came over after school, before and after work. Mingi lived with his grandparents who took him in after his parents passed away in a car accident. They were on their way home after a date and Mingi was being babysat by his grandparents. While they were stopped at a red-light, a drunk driver came out of nowhere and.... Mingi was just twelve years-old.

He doesn't remember most of what happened and he doesn't remember much of them. I think due to trauma, his brain blocked most of it and his memories of them out. Mingi is a sweet boy, very kind and gentle. Can be very loud when he's excited, it kinda scares me sometimes, considering that I can't see his facial expressions, so I don't know when he's excited until he starts screaming with joy.

One thing is for sure though. I'm in love with him. For most people, it's love at first sight, but for me it was love at first question...

(A/N I hope you enjoyed this so far. Comment what you think of it and sorry for any misspellings. Honestly, this idea has been on my mind for a LONG time, so I really do hope you all like it. Also, I think I'm addicted to writing lol. I'm always thinking about new stories to share with you all, and it really makes me happy when y'all Comment on them. It motivates me to write more! But yeah, that's all for now, love y'all!!♡♡♡)

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