{Through Your Eyes}

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I groaned in pain as I walked into the door of my classroom and felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, making me flinch.

"Mingi, what're you doing?" I heard San ask from beside me and turned my head in his direction.

"I've blindfolded myself, I want to spend the day seeing the world how Yeosang, sees it."

"And how's that working out for you?" I heard Wooyoung ask.

"Not that great. I almost died crossing the road this morning, walked into the girls bathroom a couple times and I keep going to the wrong locker," I said, making them chuckle.

"Here, we'll guide you from here, buddy," they said linking their arms with mine and led me to my seat in the classroom.

"Mr. Song, what's with the blindfold?" I heard my teacher ask and I chuckled taking it off.

"Oh, Mrs Sungmin, sorry. I was just wearing it because my boyfriend is actually blind. He doesn't go to this school, but I was trying to see how he sees the world, so I could understand more," I explained and she nodded smiling.

"Oh, well then..don't let me stop you. I'm sure one of your friends would be happy to help you out."

"Really?" I asked looking at her and she nodded, making me smile widely and I put the blindfold back on.


After school, San, Wooyoung and I went to Yeosang's house. When his door opened, I heard his voice voice, making me smile widely.

"You're here early."

"Yeah, I also brought two others with me, mainly because I am not able to see today, so they're guiding me everywhere."

"Hey Yeo," Woo and San said in unison.

"Hi- wait, Min, why can't you see? Did something happen?" Yeosang asked with worry laced in his voice and I chuckled.

"No baby, nothing happened. I'm just wearing a blindfold."


"Because..I want to see the world through your eyes," I said, and felt him put his hands on my shoulders before sliding them down to my hands and led me closer to him.

"Min Min, why would you want to see the world through my eyes? I promise you, there's not much to see," He said with a light chuckle.

"There is though. I looked at the light for a long time this morning. I saw the shadows of different people. I relied on my sense of taste, touch and smell. I tried remembering things, but that didn't go well at all. I walked into so many walls, kept ending up at the wrong locker and accidentally walked into the girls bathroom a couple times," I said, making him chuckle.

"Here, I'll guide you from here. Thank you Wooyoung and San, for taking care of him."

"No problem, it was actually fun," I heard San say and Wooyoung agreed.

After they left, Yeosang led me into his living room where we sat criss-crossed on his couch, facing each other.

"Hey Mingi."


"Do you want to experience what it's like kissing someone when you can't see?"

"Yes, but...I'm afraid that I'll mess it up," I said honestly and heard him chuckle before I felt him put his hands on my shoulders and slowly moved them down to my hands.

"Just feel my face, like I do with you," He said putting my hands on the sides of his face.

My thumbs caressed his cheeks before my thumb rubbed over his lips, making me smile a bit.

"I'm sorry if this is awkward for you," I said, making him laugh.

"You sound like me the first time you had me feel your face," He said making me chuckle, before I felt his lips on mine, kissing me softly.

I smiled against his lips, kissing him back and felt him take my blindfold off before he pulled away from the kiss.

"Mingi, I don't want you to see the world through my eyes. It really touches my heart that you want to understand me, but I don't think you should. I'm glad that you were able to use your senses as best as you could and I'm proud of you for that."


"But...seeing the way I see, isn't anything special, honestly to me it sucks. Yes, I've adapted to it, but it sucks not being able to do things on your own, it gets on your nerves and other people's nerves. It sucks not being able to see your family or boyfriend it...it's really hard and frustrating," He said looking in my direction as his eyes filled with tears and I hummed before pulling him into my lap, making him straddle my thighs as he put his hands on my shoulders and I put my hands on the sides of his face.

"Yeosang, I know that it's hard and frustrating for you and I in no way was trying to offend you in any way and after today, I really know how hard and frustrating it is for you. Baby, I am really so sorry that you have to go through this. If I could give you my eyes, I would in a heart beat," I said wiping his fallen tears away with my thumbs.

"Mingi, please don't put the blindfold back on?"

"Okay, I won't Baby, plus I missed seeing your beautiful smile and perfect eyes," I said, making him chuckle.

I hummed before kissing his cheek softly and hugged him close to me as he put his face in the crook of my neck.

"In my opinion, nobody should ever have to live like this and I feel for others who do. It's sad thinking about a small baby being born and not knowing what to do except cry because they can't see anything or someone waking up one day and the world that they once saw is now dark. It makes me think...what did that person do that was so wrong for God, to take their eyesight away? Or what made God, so angry at the small child, that he took their eyesight away, way before they were born?....what did I do that made him angry?"

"Yeosang, you can't think like that. Baby, you've done nothing wrong, sometimes God, does these things for reasons we do not know. But I promise you that God, is not angry at you, and he loves you so much," I whispered and he nodded against my neck, "Baby, I love you so much. Please believe me when I tell you, that are loved by so many people, including God. You can't see, but you can do so much."

He lifted his head and moved his hand the side of my face and felt my lips before kissing me softly and I smiled against his lips, making him smile against mine.

"Mingi, I really love you so much."

"Yeosang, I really love you so much more than you'll ever know," I said, making him chuckle and kiss me once more.

I will always make sure that Yeosang knows, just how much he is loved by God, and everyone, everyday.

𝓜𝔂 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓘𝓼 𝓐 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓾𝔂 | MinSangWhere stories live. Discover now