{National Boyfriend Day}

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"So, Mingi has already explained to me that you are blind, but he also said that your other senses are really strong. Is that true?" The guy interviewing me asked and I nodded smiling in his direction.

"Yes. I have very good memory, so my sense of touch and memory work together a lot. My sense of smell and hearing are really strong as well. At home, I can use the microwave because I memorized what buttons are where, and the numbers. I wash my own dishes using my sense of touch. I can memorize the pattern of the room, based on where everything is. I do have a seeing eye dog, named Bada. She's a Dobermann," I said smiling.

"Hm...alright then, you have the job. Your pay will start at 10 an hour but will go up depending on how well you do. Mingi will train you. You will be working the same hours as him, you'll just be wiping down tables and washing dishes, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask anyone. My name is Yeonjun. You'll start next Monday. We look forward to working with you." He said making me smile and I nodded.

I put my hand out and he shook it as I bowed, "thank you sir, I look forward to working here."

We said our goodbyes and Mingi drove me home.


"Mingi?" I asked looking at his direction as he drove.

"Yes baby?" He asked rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"My hair is getting long again. Would you mind cutting it again?"

"Not at all. I'll cut it when we get back to your house."

I hummed as he kissed my hand and I looked at light through the passenger door window.

When I was little, I always found it hard going to the salon for a haircut. I'm blind, so I can't see if they do it right, and I can't exactly feel it either and it frustrates me. So because of that, my hair was long for a long time, then after I met Mingi, he told me about how he cuts his grandparents hair and his hair, so I took a risk and asked if he'd be willing to cut mine and he said yes. Ever since then, I've only trusted him to cut my hair.

I smiled softly looking at the light and heard Mingi hum along with the radio, making me smile more and I looked at his direction.


"Nothing. I'm just listening to you, you're a good singer, " I said and heard him chuckle.

"Thanks babe, but I'm not good."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because..since my voice is so deep, it sounds like I mispronounce words and I just don't like it."

"You don't mispronounce words though."

"I know, it just sounds like I do."

"It doesn't sound like it to me."

"Thank you, baby. Then I'll only sing to you," He said making me smile.

"Good, but you really are a great singer though. Your deep voice is really nice to listen to and it makes you really attractive. "

"Yours too. I find your deep voice incredibly sexy," He said making me blush.

"Thanks, but your deep voice is way sexier than mine."

"Mm, agree to disagree?"

"Alright. "


I closed my eyes as I felt Mingi giving me a haircut. I always trust that Mingi will give me exactly what I want and will always make sure that I don't look stupid.

𝓜𝔂 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓘𝓼 𝓐 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓾𝔂 | MinSangOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant