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"Oh honey, you're home! Your dinner is in the fridge, heat it up when you get hungry. I'm headed out for a bit but I'll be home around nine thirty. If anything happens or you need anything, call me immediately, alright? I love you," my mom said hugging me tightly and I nodded hugging her back.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, I have a shift tonight at the nursing home, but don't worry. I'll call you if I end up staying over, okay?" She asked caressing my cheek softly and I nodded before she kissed my head and left.

This would happen a lot. My mom would pick up shifts at the nursing home and I would be left home alone for a bit until my dad gets home from work followed shortly by my mother. My dad works at a bar and works from six in the morning until six at night. He usually eats and then passes out after checking on me and making sure that I'm alright.

They're good parents who take very good care of me and each other. They're actually high school sweethearts, my dad was the quiet kid who sat in the back of every class and my mom was a nerd who often got made fun of. One day these girls were making fun of her for getting a good grade, saying things like 'she probably seduced the teacher or something' and my dad stood up for her. Classic love story I guess.

I sighed taking the leash off Bada and slowly walked to the kitchen. You're probably wondering how I can get around my house without my guide dog or a cane. Well, I memorized the layout of the house, so I know where everything is. I know that the front door leads to a small hallway. In the hallway is stairs and at the top of the stairs is the door to my bedroom. Across from my bedroom door is my parent's bedroom and right beside their bedroom door is the door to the bathroom. In the hallway where the front door is, there's a corridor that leads to the living room. Beside the corridor against the wall is a TV. In front of the TV is a small circle coffee table that is in front of the couch. You walk past the TV across the room and there's another corridor that goes into the kitchen/dining room. And that's my house, though I have no idea what color anything is. All I can see is light from the sun or lamps. I can see shadows and outlines of people too.

(A/N my mom was actually blind and all she could see is light and the outlines or shadows of people, so I'm basing his sight off my mom's)

My favorite thing to do is look at the light through the blinds of the kitchen, living room or my bedroom as I listen to music. It calms me down when I'm stressed or something. My favorite song is Spring day by BTS.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of juice. Another thing I memorized is the fridge and cabinets. Everything goes in a certain spot so that I know where it is. If something is moved, my parents tell me immediately.

Honestly, I think that my parents struggle the most with me being blind. They have to tell me where everything is, and guide me sometimes. They get frustrated from time to time but I can't blame them, I'd get frustrated too if I was them and had to remind my child over and over again where something is, it's annoying after a while.

I opened my juice and took a drink of it before feeling my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out. I ran my pointer finger over the text so it was read out loud to me.

Mingi: Hey, I'm taking you shopping after work Friday. Be ready babe 😘.

I sighed rolling my eyes as I turned off my phone and walked to my room with Bada following from behind. I closed my door and opened the curtains letting in the sunlight and turned on my record player, before sitting in a chair by my window and looked at the light. I tried picturing what outside could look like, but it's hard picturing something that you've never seen before. Most people don't believe that I'm blind because my eyes aren't glossed over with white...Mingi told me that my eyes are honey brown, whatever that means, but he thinks they're really pretty, so I'm happy. I've pictured Mingi before. I picture him with brown hair and eyes and from what I've felt he has soft plump lips that I think curve into a cute smile that make his eyes turn into crescent moons. Yes, I've felt his face before. I told him that it wasn't necessary but he wanted me to...I'm glad that I did.

It doesn't make me sad that I can't actually see him, in a weird way it actually makes me happy. It just means that I don't go for looks, or at least that's what I tell myself.

Mingi is very protective of me even though he doesn't need to be. He makes me link arms with him when we walk even though Bada is always right there. Sometimes he tries to feed me and I let him because I find it cute...he's so cute.

I smiled softly thinking about him and everything he's done for me. I really do adore him and I always will, even if he doesn't feel the same way. I feel lucky enough to just be able to call him my friend, I won't ever ruin that.

I always think about Mingi when I'm alone. I always wonder what he could be doing, who he could be talking to or if he's eaten. I often think about what he could be seeing. I think about how he sees the world, what colors he sees. I'm not jealous, in fact I'm far from it. I just want to know how he sees things and if it's different from others. He's told me how he sees me, it was funny actually because I could tell by the tone in his voice that he felt awkward. He told me that I reminded him of a Maltese, and that I was the prettiest boy he's ever seen but ended it with 'No homo tho' I just nodded with a chuckle.

I felt Bada put her head on my lap and I smiled petting her head. Bada really likes Mingi too, which makes me really happy. My parents are just happy that I have a friend who treats me like a normal person.

They were afraid that because I'm blind, nobody would ever want to be friends with me, which is hurtful, but understandable...

After a long while of watching the sunlight, I could tell that it was slowly fading which meant that it was five thirty and I was starting to get hungry. I stood up from my chair and went back downstairs to the kitchen and got my dinner from the fridge. I put it in the microwave for about thirty seconds. The buttons on the microwave is another thing I memorized as well.

When my food was done I sat down at the table and began eating. A few minutes later my dad walked through the front door and entered the kitchen.

"Oh, hey Yeosang, how was your day?" He asked sitting down beside me and I smiled in his direction.

"It was good. I went to the Café with Mingi. You're home early. "

"Yeah, I got off earlier today. How's Mingi?"

"He's good, we're going shopping on Friday. "

"Oh that's fun. Do you need money?" He asked caressing the back of my head.

"Oh no, I still have some from when mom gave me some earlier for the coffee shop. " I said looking in his direction.

"Okay. Well if you need more, just let me know, alright?"

"I will, thank you. "

"Mhm. Do you need anything?"

I shook my head before he kissed it and stood up from his seat, "Right, well I'm going to go take a shower and then probably take a nap. If you need anything just call me."

"Okay, thanks dad."

He hummed before hugging me went upstairs. After I finished my food, I washed my dishes and went back to my room.

Everyday is pretty much like this, maybe pretending to be Mingi's girlfriend for a few weeks will bring some excitement to my life. I just hope that Mingi told them that his "girlfriend" is blind...

𝓜𝔂 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓘𝓼 𝓐 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓾𝔂 | MinSangWhere stories live. Discover now