{Only You}

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and yawned before picking it up off my bedside table and answered it.


"Hey baby, did I wake you?"

"No, Min. I'm alright, what's up?"

"Nothing. I just really miss you, Yeo."

I smiled widely as I laid back on my bed and bit my bottom lip.

"You know...you can always come over."

"Baby, it's almost three in the morning on a Sunday."

"Right, you have church today."

"I mean...I guess that I can meet my grandparents at the church."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be there in a bit, baby," He said making me smile widely.

"Okay. I love you, Mini."

"I love you too, baby."

When we I hung up, I put my phone on my bedside table and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and did my business before going downstairs to wait for him.

"Yeosang, what're you doing awake?" I heard my mom asked when she walked into the living room.

"Nothing, just...couldn't sleep."

"Really?...You aren't waiting for Mingi?"

"I...Sorry mom," I said putting my head down and heard her chuckle.

"Yeo, I don't actually care."

"Really, you aren't mad that I'm trying to sneak a boy into my room?"

"Baby, do you know how many times I snuck your father into my room? I think probably over a hundred times. So I don't care, plus I trust Mingi, he's good for you," She said, making me smile widely, "Are you going to tell him what the doctor said?" She asked sitting down beside me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"I don't know...I'm not so sure that I want to even do it."

"Well, take your time thinking about it. There's no rush," She said before kissing my head and I nodded, "I'm off to work now though. Call or text me if you need anything or if anything happens."

I nodded smiling before she left. A little bit later, Mingi arrived and we went to my room. We were laying on my bed, cuddling and he was placing soft kisses on my neck and my eyes were closed.



"Can I...Go to church with you?" I asked and he lifted his head from my neck.

"If you want to. Though, we can't hold hands or kiss in church. Are you alright with that?"


"Okay...Why do you want to go to church suddenly? You aren't religious."

"Because...Mingi, I had a doctor appointment yesterday and he told me something."

"What baby?" He asked, rubbing my side and I sighed before turning over to face him.

"He told me that...There's a surgery that I can have for my eyesight, but there's a ninety-nine percent chance that it'll work, meaning that my eyesight will just be blurry, but I can see color. There's a fifty percent chance that it won't do anything and there is a fifteen percent chance that it'll make my eyesight go completely black, meaning that I won't see anything at all. But he doesn't know for sure what it'll do yet, because my case is different from others because I was born blind, they weren't. And I don't know what to do...Mingi, I'm scared."

𝓜𝔂 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓘𝓼 𝓐 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓾𝔂 | MinSangWhere stories live. Discover now