Chapter 23 ~the return~

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Pale face, sweaty hands, and terrified eyes. Ceil was all of those things at that moment. He didn't know the plan would go this far or he would have never done it. Sebastian's dark demonizes gaze on the small boy.

"Are you ready master?" The question left sensations on Sebastian's lips and penetrated Ceil's ear causing him to flinch.

Ceil nodded in response. "take me"

With that Sebastian's hand crept up the side of Ceil's face and turned his head upward toward Sebastian's mouth. Sebastian leaned down bringing his lips close to Ceil's. A small mixture of light and dark blue smoke twirled together out of Ceil's mouth and towards Sebastian's. Ceil's body began to fall limp. There was one part of the young boys soul that was yet to be devoured. His memories... That was the center core of the soul. The heart. For this Sebastian planted his lips on to Ceil's and slide his tongue into the young boys parted lips. Curling his tongue and latching on to the pit of the soul. Wrapping it in his tongues grip and pulling it out as he brought his tongue back in his own mouth.

Ceil's body fell completely limp in Sebastian's arms as it started turn pale. The life literally got sucked out of him. Sebastian picked up his lifeless body and places it in a small suitcase. His body was curled up with his knees on his chest. Closing the suit case and locking it. Standing up leaving the bench and broken down castle area.

Carrying the suit case close to Sebastian's body. Sebastian stare into the distance. Thinking..

"Don't worry master, you will be back soon enough" Sebastian thought to himself.

----moments later---

"Hehe, you naughty demon you" undertaker chuckled.taking the suit case away from Sebastian. Sebastian held on tightly onto the case before realizing what he was doing. Finally letting go.

Undertaker took the case and placed it in undertakes personal coffin. Sebastian looked at the case then undertaker and quickly vanished.

Undertaker let out a chuckle. "Have fun demon...hehe....have fun" he said to himself in a whisper.

"Now then!" Undertaker said in a clasp of his hands and a smile. "I wonder what the earl looks like with make up on" undertaker said walking over to the case.


Sebastian walked down the cold dark streets of London. Reaching the middle center of the small city. Sebastian looked up at the whole moon sky and creep-ed open his mouth. A little blue smoke orb arouse from his firm tight lips and floated into the sky. Sebastian grabbed at it with his right hand gently and he held onto it tight. Bending down Sebastian took his left pointer finger and traced out clauses demon symbol. Not to long after the symbol began to form and show up in bright goldness rays. Sebastian took his right hand and placed the floating orb of Ceil's soul to the middle of the demons symbol.

The symbol grew bright and with a bright flash it was gone. Sebastian closed his eyes from the Ray then looked down were the mark used to lay.

"Sebastian why and how did you summon me here" a all to familiar voice echoed the streets and through his ear from behind him.

Sebastian quickly but casually spun around looking and finding the all to familiar face and eyes matching and lining up perfectly with his.

Sebastian smiled....smiled...not a smirk this time.

"Claude" Sebastian spoke the name like a praise as it slipped his lips and traveled through the air.

"Sebastian, answer the questions I have asked." Claude spoke. He didn't sound nice or pleased to see Sebastian as Sebastian would have hoped.

"I used Ceil's soul" Sebastian Said hesitant.

Claude looked at Sebastian and then to the side. He brought out his hand from behind his back and brought it forward opening it to reveal half of the soul that was there before.

"You risked your masters soul for me?" Claude said amazed.

Sebastian brought out his hand to go take the soul from Claude. But Claude pulled his hand back and away. Sebastian looked up at Claude in confusion.

"Give me back the soul" Sebastian said stern.

"Do you know how long i have waited for this soul to be in my very hands. The contents and taste the sweet sourness of its core" Claude spoke looking at the soul with admiration and longing.

 Sebastian looked at Claude then the soul then back at Claude. 

"give it here Claude i must return it to my masters body" Sebastian spoke in a stern voice. 

he just released that Claude has to give the soul back or his master will go on non-living. the thought of his master gone and him not being the one to devour the oh so rich soul. even when he held it in his mouth for that short time it took so much strength not to devour it then. 

Claude did as Sebastian said and handed the soul back to him. Sebastian took it tightly in his grasp and placed it back into his mouth tucking it away in the back of his throat. the soul was a lot lighter since half of it was devoured by Claude when he arose from the star. The part that was missing didn't seem to important. The soul tasted the same and should be the same right? Claude leaned in close to Sebastian and brought his face inches from his. 

"where is your master?" Claude spoke with a sharp tone. This was not the Claude that Sebastian once knew. no he was different there was something about him that triggered a dangerous feeling. Sebastian didn't want something to happen to the young lords boy so he spoke of other things.

"why did you leave?" Sebastian changed the subject quickly. 

Claude looked o the side then back at Sebastian staring deep into his eyes. Claude then gave a answer that shocked Sebastian.

" I left in search for something more than you could give me. you weren't enough. For the time i was gone  grow darker and i craved more." he looks Sebastian deep in the eyes. " i now found a soul worth  fighting for"

Sebastian just stared at him in question.

Claude smirks, "your sour soul filled master".

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