Chapter 10 (jealosey part 2)

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Sebastian and Claude where standing in the ball room. they decided they wanted to hug or something without anyone seeing.

Sebastian wrapped his arms around Claude's waist pulling him in. Claude leaned up and planted kisses down his neck and back up to his lips. there lips moved together nicely. Sebastian tongue was about to enter Claude's mouth before they heard a faint noise of someone coming. quickly splitting apart.

The doors to the dinning room burst open and grell stood in the door way.

"Oh Sebastian darling" grell blow a kiss over to Sebastian while winking.

Sebastian shivered.

Grell ran over and jumped on him. hugging him tightly whispering in his ear.

Ciel and Alois have snuck in at this moment without anyone noticing. they hid behind one of the ball room poles.

"Oh bas--" Grell's sentence started but got muffled out by grell quickly kissing Sebastian's neck.

Claude froze at that very moment. he felt anger well up inside him. he knew he couldn't blow or Sebastian's and his secret will be out.

Sebastian's eyes went big and he ripped grell off him throwing him half way across the room.

Grell layed with his face on the floor for a moment then looked up. he shoke his head rolling from his stomach to his back and sitting up criss cross. Grell's eyes flashed over at ciel and Alois then quickly back at Sebastian.

When grell looked at ciel and Alois for that brief moment he saw ciel mouth the words.

"Go to the other butler"

Grell looked over at Claude and stood up brushing himself off. he made a seductive face then charging towards Claude.

Grell purposely nocked him over. he sat on top of Claude looking down at him smiling.

"Long time no see" grell stated.

Claude went to go try and shove grell off.

Sebastian's anger and hatred all boiled up at once. his eyes flashed a red and pink color. he growled a little showing off some sharp teeth.

Sebastian knows it can blow his and Claude's cover so he tried his best to remain in the same spot clam on the outside going crazy on the inside.

"Do you think ether one of them where jealous ?" Alois asked ciel.

"I don't know hard to tell" ciel said back.

Ciel looked over at grell and nodes his head. right away grell knew what the meant and grabbed ahold of Claude and quickly kissed him. long and hard.

Claude got token back by this. he tried pushing grell off but it was kinda hard when he was pinned to the ground.

Claude pulled his head away. Sebastian then snapped at that moment. he grabbed ahold of Grell's hair swinging him. he flung him all the way to the others end of the room.

Claude stood up and brushed himself off. Sebastian walked over to him.

"Our masters are over there watching us" Sebastian said with a chuckle.

"Yes I noticed"

Sebastian and Claude nodded. they turned towards Alois and ceil.

Alois and ceil quickly shrunk behind the pole they where standing by.

"Young master, did you get what you was looking for?" Sebastian said with a small smile.

Ciel poked his head out from behind the pole and coughed awkwardly.

"Umm yes, yes I did." ciel then walked out.

Sebastian and Claude till looked at the pole. within a minute later Alois ran out from behind the pole after ceil.

Sebastian chuckled and went to go leave but stopped and looked at the grim reaper laying unconscious on the other side of the room then back at Claude.

"Like I said I get what I want and once I have it , it's mine"

Sebastian then walked over to grell grabbed him by his hair and walked out dragging grell behind him.

Claude knew Sebastian was going to do something horrible to the reaper. but he didn't want to get anywhere near them when it happens.

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