Chapter 8

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Hannah knocked on the door of the phantomhive mansion.she was a little nerves to be here this time in the morning. it was around 7 o'clock . Sebastian walked towards the door answering it a little surprised to find Hannah standing there.

"Hannah, how are you today?" Sebastian said blocking the entrence so Hannah couldn't come in.

"I have a letter to earl phantomhive. may I come in"

"I'm sorry but the earl has just woken up and haven't had his daily breakfast yet so just hand me the letter and I will give it to him."Sebastian said reaching his hand out.

"I can't do that I was ordered to personally hand him the letter myself" Hannah looked up from the ground at Sebastian with a look.

"I can't allow that"

Hannah knew Sebastian wouldn't trust to let her in. so she was about to push her self past him. before she could a voice came from the other side of Sebastian.

"Who is at the door?" a voice asked.

Sebastian turned to see ciel standing there leaning on his cane.

"Hannah from the trancy manor my lord" Sebastian said side stepping so ciel could see her.

"What brings you here?" ciel questioned.

"I have a letter here for you from My young highness. he wishes for you to read it and to write back as soon as possible"Hannah said trying to enter pass Sebastian but he stopped her.

"Very well we will discuss it in my study while I have my tea. come along." ciel turned then started heading up the steps.

Sebastian hesitated but let Hannah by. keeping a close eyes on her. then went to make masters tea.

Ciel sat down in his office chair crossing his arms. Hannah walked in looking down.then up at ciel and handing him the letter. Ciel started reading it. his face expression changed from his normal in emotional glance to a shocked yet angered and disgusted expression.

"What is this?" ciel said throwing the letter at Hannah.

She quickly picked it up ripping it in to shreds and through it in the fire place in the room. ciel looked at her confused.

"Alois told me to"

Ciel just nodded.

"Well go ahead tell me what you heard"

Hannah gulps then waited a second to make sure Sebastian wasn't anywhere near them.


Sebastian set the tea pot down on the cart. along side the plates and small tea cups.

I wonder how mad at me Claude is for not showing up last night? like I had a choice! I was ordered to stay in the masters room all night.

Sebastian started pushing the cart down the halls toward the study. reaching the study he knocked on the door and opened reviling a disgusted look on ciels face and Hannah whispering in his ear.

Hannah quickly jolted back. Ciel took a paper and pen and wrote down something then handed it to Hannah. she bowed said good bye then left in a vanish.

"What was that about young lord?" Sebastian said handing ciel the cup of tea.

Ciel was holding back all his might to not say something about what he discovered because he yet doesn't have evidence to prove it. but by this little information he had he was disgusted and angry.

"Nothing! get out!" ciel screamed.

Sebastian gave ciel a questioned look but did as he was told and left the room.


claude was standing by alois who kept looking up and staring at claude. wondering and thinking if what hannah said was true.

claude went to go speak to Alois to see what was bothering him but hannah walked through the door causeing alois to rush over to her. hannah handed him the letter from ciel and a tiny smirk apperared across alois's lips. alois slowly turned around and looked back at claude who was giving hannah a death stare.

"claude i would like to go back to the phantomhives house to pay them a little visit maybe even stay there a while" alois said with a fake smile.

"your highness we just came back from over there i strickly remeber you said you never wanted to go over there again"

alois fake smile faded in to a evil look.

"are you dobuting my order. go pack for us now" alois shouted stareing down claude.

"yes your highness" claude bowed.

alois turned back around to hannah that was about to walk out of the room.

"wait, i want you and the triplets to come with me as well. go pack your things"

"yes your highness"

claude came back out from packing all of alois's things and his clothes as well. hannah and the triplets were already packed. they put there clothes on the carrige and sat in the front of the carrige to control the horses. alois was inside the carrige waitting and thinking of the plan. claude was cerious of just what that little brat was planning. claude didnt like when he doesnt know things that are going around him especially when the other demons knew. claude got into the carrige and sat across from alois. with a jurk the carrgie was moiveing heading back towards the phantomhive manor.

"your highness, my i ask you a question?"

"you just did"

"well a different one"


"fine then"

the carrige soon pulled up to the manor. the other demon servents got there things and went around the back entrence while alois and claude entered through the frount door. when claude walked passed sebastian. sebastian gave claude a gentle smile only them two could notice.

ciel was soon walking down the steps toward them.

"alois yes i have been expecting you. sebastian go make us some tea me and him have soemthing to discuss in my studie"

"yes my lord" sebastian bowed.

claude and sebastian looked at eachother once they left the room. they were both really comfused by what is going on with there masters.

"do you think they know?" claude asked sebastian a littled worried.

"no. how could they?" sebastian responded.

"you didnt tell them did you?" claude spoke.

"well no not exactly. young master did ask me some questions and me not being able to lie. i tried working my way around them."

"Ok that's good." Claude look up at Sebastian.

Claude's feelings and heart beat started picking up while starring at Sebastian. he wanted Sebastian really bad right now but he knew he had to wait. at least until later that night when the young masters where sleeping.

"I know what you want Claude but you know we have to wait. because I want you to" Sebastian said this with his eyes close then when he glanced up at Claude for a brief moment he showed off his red and pinkish demon eyes.

Claude growled.

This caused Sebastian to smirk.


"We shall do it tonight" ciel said looking over at Alois

"Why tonight?"Alois questioned

"Because I wanna get this done and over with. the sooner I figure this out the sooner you can leave." ciel groaned.

"Ahhhh you always hate me so much" Alois shouted.

"Because your simple easy to hate" ciel said with a smirk.

"Now lets put the plan to way"

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